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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 18

Located in the centre of G city, the Tang Group, a giant company also known as the 'Imperial Consortium', had almost become the landmark of this city.

Many people dreamed of working at the Tang Group, thus making great achievements in their own career. Standing in her own office, Cassandra looked around with purpose in her eyes and thought, 'Anyway, it is a new beginning for me.'

Cassandra graduated from the program of architecture. Upon being employed by the Tang Group, Cassandra served as the manager in the Architectural Design Department. Nobody in the company knew that their new manager, Cassandra, was the wife of Lionel. It was because Cassandra had asked Lionel not to share her real identity.

In this way, Cassandra would be free from the implications of her identity as the wife of Lionel. She believed that everyone should keep their personal and professional life seperate. All she wanted was to do good work.

Cassandra believed that business is business. For her, she only served one purpose when being engaged in this company. She hoped to be the manager instead of being Lionel's wife while working here. Cassandra placed her belongings on the desk. Shortly after, a young man in a white T-shirt stood at the office door and knocked politely to get her attention.

Upon hearing the knock, Cassandra quickly raised her head and then saw the man bowing politely to her with a smiling childish face.

"Hello, Manager Qin. I'm your assistant. You can call me Joel. Can I help you with anything?" Joel asked politely.

Joel left a good impression on Cassandra at first sight. She thought to herself, 'Well, Joel is my assistant. That's good.' Cassandra smiled and said, "I have just joined recently, so I am not very familiar with this company. If you have time, you can show me around here. I'd like to get familiar with our work environment and the other colleagues."

Joel understood what she needed and nodded immediately. He had been working for the company for two years and was, infact, older than Cassandra herself. But due to his babyish face, everyone thought he was an intern.

"Of course, anytime," responded Joel.

Cassandra quickly arranged her belongings on the desk. Then she picked up her phone and followed Joel out of the office, ready to tour the Tang Group.

"Eh, why are there only a few people in the company today?" asked Cassandra.

Stepping out of her office, Cassandra found that the Tang Group was much bigger than she had imagined. She thought, 'The Tang Group pays more attention to efficiency and systematic function but I don't see many colleagues in the departments today. It's so strange.'

"Manager Qin, you must not be aware that our new president is coming into office today, so everyone is out to welcome him at the gate of the company," Joel responded sincerely.

Joel thought, 'Coincidentally, two senior executives are to start working at the Tang Group today. This is the first time that the Tang Group has recruited two senior executives at the same time.'

Cassandra subconsciously raised her eyebrows and recalled what Lionel had said angrily to Rufus earlier in the ward. Originally, Cassandra thought that Horace had only agreed verbally to let Rufus stand for the president of the Tang Group but she failed to realize that Horace would actually appoint Rufus for the position.

"Oh? I see," said Cassandra.


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