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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 185

As promised, Amanda gave Ivy a job in her company. She only needed to work short hours but her salary was much higher than she could imagine.

Ivy knew very well why Amanda was giving her the job, and it was because Amanda wanted to learn more about what Rufus was up to. Consequently, Ivy was always happy to share everything she heard and saw in the Tang House, whether deliberately or unintentionally.

However, the only pieces of information Ivy had at the moment were the recent developments of Tang Group and unimportant conversations between Rufus and the Tang family, which Amanda could find out on her own too.

To her surprise, Amanda treated her even better. Aside from chatting with Ivy, she had never asked Ivy to do other things in the studio. It seemed that Amanda believed everything she said without suspicion. Ivy felt lucky and was very pleased to work with Amanda.

"Ivy, there will be a dance party in three days. All the government officials will be attending. Please do come as well with Mr. Tang," Amanda invited Ivy with a pleasant smile on her face.

Amanda seemed to be on her way out of the studio already as she was wearing her coat when she knocked on the door and invited Ivy.

On the other hand, Ivy had learned about the dance party and heard that the spokesperson for enterprises in G City would be selected during that event. This person would also be representing the tourism area of G City with Amanda.

Because she had not formally married into the Tang Family, Ivy assumed that she wasn't invited to parties like that. But, Amanda did come to ask her in person to attend so she was overwhelmed.

"I don't know whether Lionel will take me to the party. It's embarrassing but we hadn't gotten married yet..." Ivy responded technically.

She looked at Amanda for a response even before she could finish her sentence.

With an assuring smile, Amanda told her to be patient.

"I'll talk to your future father-in-law and he will talk to Mr. Tang. I think that my opinion carries an important weight to him now," Amanda promised.

She was too smart to not know what was in Ivy's mind and knew how to make Ivy satisfied.

This was a very good opportunity for Amanda. She was making sure that everyone she needed was there. The more, the better.

And Ivy was an important part of her master plan, she needed to make sure that she showed up to the party.

At the same time, Cassandra was very busy working in her office when suddenly her assistant came in carrying an invitation.

"Manager Qin, the government office sent an invitation here asking you to take part in a dance party in three days," the assistance reported eagerly.

She placed the invitation on Cassandra's desk but her eyes were fixed on it curiously.

She wondered who sent this invitation and why they invited Cassandra. The company was not big enough or well-known for such occasions.

Cassandra was obviously confused thinking who had sent this invitation to her too.

She grabbed the white envelope containing the invitation and hurriedly opened it. The dance party, as mentioned, was scheduled in three days. The letter was from the mayor's wife.

Cassandra remembered that she played mahjong for the first time in her life with the mayor's wife, but couldn't figure out why she would ask her to the party.

She didn't suspect anything with the invitation and decided to go out of politeness.

Cassandra thought for a while before she took her phone to call Michelle with the intention of asking her to make a dress for the party.

"Really? You've got to come here now! I just made a dress and it would be perfect on you!" Michelle excitedly exclaimed.

Cassandra could clearly hear the suppressed excitement in her voice.

Both of them were designers, so Cassandra knew the feeling of wanting to share a piece of work they'd done to others. The feeling of kicking their heels in excitement.

Cassandra smiled over the phone and she went straight to Michelle's studio after hanging up the phone.

The moment she entered the studio, Michelle thrust a dress into Cassandra's hands. Before she knew it, Cassandra was being pushed into the fitting room. So she got changed and walked out. Michelle's face became radiant and she covered her mouth with both hands. Her eyes were on the verge of tears.

"Perfection! You're gorgeous, Cassandra!" she held her breath and exclaimed.

It was a pink dress dotted with numerous silk flowers which were grouped in clusters. They were so vivid that they seemed more like real flowers. When people saw the dress, they felt like they could smell the fresh flowers of spring. The color was especially complimentary to Cassandra's fair skin. It looked as if she was the Goddess of Flowers herself.

"Wow, Cassandra, even I can't take my eyes from you! I'm sure that Rufus's jaw will hit the ground when he sees you in this dress," Michelle whispered in her ear.

She stood behind Cassandra and placed both hands on her shoulders while grinning a mischievous smile.


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