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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 196

Amanda couldn't quite make out what they were taking about, but she was pretty sure it was about Rufus's dance partner right outside. Knowing Ivy, it was probably something bad.

Since Ivy had become so desperate that she even almost resorted to hurt Cassandra with a pair of scissors in broad daylight, Amanda knew how her hatred ran deep for Cassandra.

She could relate all too well, as she herself had the urge to tear Cassandra apart at times. She was too smart to use her own hands, though. The best way would be to use other people to destroy her.

"No wonder I haven't seen you around lately! I was so curious where our resident party queen had been all this time. I thought you had your child already! I am so sorry for what happened, Ivy!" a young woman said.

Her eyebrows were furrowed and her lips pouted to show how she pitied Ivy. She also patted her back for good measure.

Ivy never focused on work ever since she graduated. She did, however, work on her social skills. Hence, she was involved with the clique of every wife of the enterprise executives. Most of them had nothing to do everyday but sit pretty and show off their extravagant lifestyles.

But because Lionel was quite generous to Ivy and she herself was good at taking cues at other people's words, she was exceedingly popular among the wives.

"I was so incredibly devastated from losing my poor baby, and I had to stay at home to recover. That's why I turned down a lot of you invitations. Please don't take it the wrong way," she said with a voice full of emotion.

She looked so convincing that all the other women she was with felt pity and empathy for her loss.

"Please be more careful in the future, honey. Especially going up and down the stairs. Tell your mother-in-law to install those non-slip handles! It will solve all your problems!" another elder woman chimed in.

She gave her suggestions strongly.

"Thank you for your advice, but it would be so much better if people didn't plot behind my back. I am so lucky she moved out! Otherwise, I wouldn't be surprised if I died someday," Ivy sighed.

Her head was downcast and she started to sob, trying desperately to hold back the tears.

All the other women averted their gaze when they got what she meant.

As Ivy had told them before, Lionel and her were madly in love for so many years. However, to help her father gain a stake in the Tang Group, Cassandra persuaded Lionel's father to let her marry into the family. Forced by the patriarch of the family, Lionel had no choice but to accept the arranged marriage. This made Ivy look like the meddler in their union, but in truth, it was the exact opposite.


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