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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 207

Charlie avoided telling Amanda the ugly truth. She was his dear daughter. He would do anything to avoid hurting her. Rufus's plan was ruthless. As her father, it was his sole purpose to make sure Amanda was happy.

"Amanda, listen." Charlie stepped forward before continuing,"I don't think Horace is as kind and gentle as he makes out to be..."

Charlie let his mouth open, wanting to continue but could not find the words. Amanda was clever. She knew exactly what Charlie was trying to say.

She knew that Horace had his own agenda. Amanda had always been the more competitive daughter-in-law as compared to Cassandra. Her higher social standing and reputation could help the Tang family enlarge their network and access better resources. Horace was indeed a clever businessman. He took advantage of that fact.

"Father, you don't need to worry. Rufus will be the one living with me and I believe he'll protect me."

Amanda beamed at Charlie.

Charlie's hardended heart gradually softened. His daughter looked so innocent. He decided right there and then to withhold the truth.

If things got bad between Rufus and Horace, Charlie would spirit Amanda away from the Tang family altogether.

Meanwhile, Rufus left the Tang family and went back to the Garden Villa, only to find Cassandra packing her bags. This infuriated Rufus.

"Cassandra, didn't you hear what I said this morning?"

Cassandra ignored him, neatly packing her clothes.

"Rufus, I'm not breaking up with you. I just need to move out. We're not married. This?" Cassandra gestured at the whole room,"This is wrong. I have no reason to be staying with you. Your reputation is taking hits."

Cassandra kept on folding her clothes as she explained.

She didn't stop, so Rufus went to her side and grabbed her wrist to catch her attention.

"I'm telling you. Don't test my patience. I don't care what people say about me. If you think you don't have any reason to live with me under the same roof, then I'll give you one. Let's get married."

Rufus reached into his pocket and took out the gorgeous diamond ring he always had with him.

"Just slip it on. Let's head to the office and get registered!"

Cassandra's mouth was agape, visibly dumbstruck.

The diamond was almost the size of a small rock. It rested on a platinum setting and almost blinded her because of its sheen. It looked priceless. However, Cassandra didn't feel excited at the moment. She found the proposal foolish. It wasn't even done in a proper way. It felt rushed, forced even. Rufus only did this because he had to stop her from leaving. Cassandra felt her eyes welling up. She felt so sorry for herself.

She closed the ring box gently, and handed it back to Rufus.

"Rufus, you don't have to force yourself to do this. You really don't."

Cassandra took a deep breath and looked directly into Rufus's eyes. She looked passive and emotionless.

"So you're saying you don't want to marry me?"

Rufus raised his eyebrows in confusion when he saw Cassandra close the box. An uncomfortable feeling flashed in his eyes.

"No, Rufus. I want to marry you, but not like this."

Cassandra closed her eyes when she said this, and then slowly opened them. She bit her lower lip as she looked at the tall man in front of her.

"Rufus, I think we need to give each other some space so we can understand what we want. We need to ease into each other's life. When the time comes, we can reconsider if we really want to be together or not.

I just got out of a messy marriage. You knew first hand how bad that relationship was. It was a failed marriage. I don't want that to happen again. I've developed this kind of phobia about marriage. It's not just about the two of us anymore. It's about two families. I need to clear my head and not to ruin our relationship at the same time. I hope you understand.

Sure, I long for a happy family of my own. But as of now, we really don't have a sense of security, right? Neither of us is confident of this relationship."

Cassandra spoke her mind and the words rang true. She had always wanted to say these things to Rufus but she never was able to muster the courage. Today she finally did.

Rufus clenched his jaw and fists, trying his best to hold his temper at bay. He was about to lose himself, but opted to stay silent.

He wanted so bad to understand Cassandra because deep down, he knew she was right.

All throughout, neither he nor Cassandra felt any security.

They didn't really meet, and fall in love like any other normal couple. He had his own revenge on the side. He always treaded carefully as if he was on thin ice. Cassandra sacrficed everything.

Rufus had always been assertive with Cassandra, and she had never said anything about it and just persevered.

"Rufus, we need to cool off. Let's take things more slowly. Isn't it better if we had more time to get to know each other more? You have your own goals to achieve and I have the Qin Group to manage. We can talk, chat and even date when we're free. It's way better than living together and slowly destroying this relationship."

Cassandra lowered her eyes. Under the bright light, her thick eyelashes cast their own shadows and fluttered elegantly.

"Destroy? You think us living together is destroying this relationship?"

Rufus lowered his voice. Cassandra could feel his immense sorrow.


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