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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 209

"Miss Qin, I have no choice. There's a person inside the hotel who has been waiting for you. He told me to drive you here. Please go inside and meet him. When you're done, I will drive you to the place you want to go,"

The driver relayed to her while looking at her through the rear view mirror. He had a bashful smile on his face. Clearly, he knew that what he was doing wasn't right.

"What the hell? Why are you doing this? You are a taxi driver, and I am your client. How could you ask me to get off halfway? Besides, how could you sell me out like this? It's ridiculous! I won't go!"

Cassandra bellowed in a furious tone. Of course, she didn't want to go inside the hotel to see some mysterious man. She didn't know who wanted to see her for God's sake! It was pretty dangerous and precarious, and she wasn't willing to take the risk.

"Miss Qin, please, just listen to me. Please don't make it hard for me. I was left with no other choice. I can't get cross with any one of them. But I promise that you will be safe going in. I swear with my honesty! I will be waiting for you here. And if you don't come out in two hours, I will call the police for you,"

The driver said in a careful yet persuasive tone while smiling awkwardly at Cassandra. He just hoped that he could get this task done as soon as possible.

"Your honesty? Do you have any honesty at all? You just sold me out for God's sake!"

Cassandra didn't know what to say anymore. She felt so angry with the driver right now. She wasn't expecting such weird incident would happen to her.

While arguing with the driver, a man walked to stand beside the car and stooped down to talk to her, "Miss Qin, we are sorry to make you come here this way. My boss is a professional investor. He just wants to talk to you about his plans of investing with the Qin Group. I am sure that you will be interested in his offer."

Hearing his words, Cassandra looked at him for a moment, then shifted her gaze to another man just behind him. The man behind looked calm and sure of himself. His hair had gone grey, and he was quite tall for his age. Cassandra assumed he was the boss, and the other man affirmed his assumption by nodding his head in response to her inquisitive gaze.

The man who just talked to her seemed to be a very respectful man. To be honest, he even seemed to be afraid of his boss. The middle-aged man, who was the boss, indeed seemed very overpowering and so intimidating. He had his hands behind his back and stood there without a word. His behavior was enough for Cassandra to tell that he was influential.

'So he is an investor?' Cassandra couldn't help but doubt for a few seconds. Thinking silently for a short moment, she opened the car door and got off the car.

"We can talk here. Or you can come to my office tomorrow to talk. I have other things to do, so I don't have time to chat inside the hotel,"

Cassandra said politely to them. She walked out and said these words only to show her politeness and respect for this said boss. If he really wanted to invest with her company, he should have done it professionally. To be honest, Cassandra hadn't thought about this and was willing to ignore whatever he would offer.

"Miss Qin, I believe that you will need this investment. Let's go inside and have a good talk,"


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