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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 215

As Rufus drew closer to her, Cassandra's heartbeat began to race.

"What...d-do you mean..by that?" she asked, stuttering a little.

The air was filled with an impending doom. Cassandra could feel perspiration forming on her forehead.

Watching her uneasiness, a sinister smile crept up on Rufus's lips. If someone witnessed him in this expression, he or she would have believed he was a Satan from the hell.

"Since you've doubted my good intention, I think it's time for me to show you my atrocious side."

His malicious smile conveyed that he was about to lure her soul out. His eyes reeked with cruelty which Cassandra had never seen before.

Suddenly, Rufus flung the bouquet of roses disdainfully aside. Without any second thought, he callously stomped on the flowers lying on the ground. His brutal contact led the flowers and the stems to break apart. White fluid oozed out of it. To Cassandra, it seemed akin to a sacrificial offering.

"Rufus, just stop!" she groaned.

Her body started to quiver. In such a tiny apartment, she knew she didn't have a place to hide.

Wrath was roaring from his heart while fire was gleaming in his eyes. If this fire were real, it could have burnt down the whole place in a matter of seconds.

Cassandra winced each time she looked into his eyes. Haltingly, she began to retreat. If he were his normal self, he would certainly have felt sorry for his love.

But today, he was engulfed by immense jealousy which, as a consequence, blinded his eyes. Rufus was oblivious to the fear on Cassandra's face.

When she realized he was getting closer, Cassandra began throwing random things at him. She hauled whatever that was within her reach—pillow, alarm clock, as well as other miscellaneous items in the living room. However, Rufus dexterously dodged her attack. His strong body continued to advance towards her.

"You…Stop! If you don't then I'll call...the police!" Cassandra spat out her feeble warning.

It wasn't just her body, even her voice was trembling. She dashed behind the couch to escape from the man's hunt. It was as if they were playing the game of The Eagle Catches the Chickens.' The eyes of the eagle turned sharp and grim. Watching her futile attempts at escape, Rufus became even more determined. While the chicken, Cassandra, was quivering in horror.

"You want to call the police? Go ahead and do it. Do you need my help? Shall I call the head of the police station as well?" Rufus offered sarcastically.

He was nonchalant to her threats. Any attempts to resist him would do her no good. If anything, it would only ignite the fire on him which was already roaring.

Terrified, Cassandra was prepared to dial the police using her trembling fingers. Seeing her boldness, a sharp light flashed across his eyes. Before she realized it, he lurched forward and grabbed the phone from her hands. As she was registering the situation, he hurled it away.

Cassandra was horrified. 'Just a moment ago, he was at the other side of the sofa. How did he manage to reach here in a blink of an eye?

He is so agile! There is no way I can escape him!' Cassandra thought with misery.

"Woman, I see that you take pleasure in challenging me."

The wicked smile once again surfaced on his face.

Cassandra used her pale hands to cover her face. With the phone out of their way, he was coming for her.

She felt her body being engulfed with his arms. Effortlessly, he carried her straight into the bedroom.

Cassandra felt like she was about to blank out. He forcefully threw her onto the bed and her mind finally registered what he was about to do. Before she could stop him, she found him flopped on top of her body.

His hands gently trailed on her soft face. This genial touch filled her with some relief and she opened her eyes. That was when she noticed that the fiery look in his eyes still persisted.

"You need to know you are just mine. From this moment onwards, you don't have the permission to hang out or keep any sort of connection with other men!"

Rufus spat out in a dominating voice.

"Rufus, you have to let me go. You have no right to force me into anything. And if you dare to do anything against my will, I will never forgive you!" she retorted back.

In spite of his strength, Cassandra wasn't willing to give up. She writhed and struggled under his power. Using all her might, she attempted to push him off her body. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break free from his control.


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