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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 221

Rufus's brows knitted together as a light smile played on his lips—he found this whole thing with Horace hilarious.

"While I respect your opinion, I'm going go with what I think is right. Facts are facts. Cassandra and I are in a relationship and you can't change that,"

Rufus said in a firm tone—he didn't care that Horace was fuming.

"Rufus, you have so many women to choose from, even better women, Amanda, for example..."

Horace tried to speak in a soft tone but Rufus interrupted him.

"Amanda doesn't stand a chance. The only woman I love is Cassandra!"

Rufus purposely sounded final and resolute but Horace was persistent.

"Rufus! You should know your place as she should! You're too good for Cassandra! She's not good enough and you know it! She's not good enough to be part of the Tang family!"

Horace bellowed.

"Didn't she suffer in the first place because of the Tang family? She was forced to marry into the family for money then she was shoved aside after the divorce. How dare you tell me she's not good enough! What do you know? I don't care what anyone else thinks because I know who she is. I know her better than anyone. The Tang family may have kicked her aside but she's way better than a certain group of people who act all high and mighty on the outside but are actually the dirtiest people I know!"

'No one in the entire Tang family can say that they're better than Cassandra.

Horace abandoned his wife and son—he deserved to be hated.

Jill is a bored housewife who does nothing but badmouth her so-called friends within her social circle.

Lionel is just waiting for the chance to rise to power in the Tang group so he can squander the family business.

And Ivy, well...' his thought trailed off.

Something flickered in his eyes when he thought of Ivy. 'I'll make her pay eventually for framing Cassandra. But as for now, I need her for my plan.'

The Tang family might seem perfect on the outside but in reality, it had been already rotting from the inside.

The Tang family's throne was atop a hill—just one push would make their kingdom come crashing down.

"You… Are you insulting me?"

Horace angrily pointed a finger at Rufus.

This was the last thing he expected of Rufus—he was never one to disrespect him like that.

"I didn't name names. You came up with that one all on your own," Rufus said simply.

It didn't take long before people started hearing Rufus and Horace going at it with one another. Jill tried to intervene but she looked frightened at the sight of her husband being angry.

"Horace, calm down. Getting angry isn't good for you. You're supposed to be recovering,"

she spoke as she glided towards Horace to assist him in his breathing.

Lionel and Ivy had heard the fighting as well and came out to check what was going on.

When Ivy heard, "...the dirtiest people I know", she flinched. Her face reddened and beads of sweat formed on her forehead.

'Could it be, Rufus knows anything? Does he know about what I did with Joel? Does he know everything?' Ivy wondered.

She hadn't talked to Joel in a while and she didn't know if he had confessed or something. The more she dwelled on it, the more worried she became.

Lionel kept to himself but he had secretly gone to pick on Cassandra several times and he was unsure of how much she had told Rufus.

He could more or less guess out what had Cloris done to Cassandra before, but he had no way of knowing whether Rufus had talked to Cassandra about it or not.

When he saw that it was his father that Rufus was having a spat with, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself.

Since they were both Horace's sons, Rufus was his number one rival in owning the Tang Group.

Unfortunately, Lionel didn't have the instincts of a business man. Before Rufus came back, he had scraped by with a few accomplishments here and there but that was mostly because he was Horace's son. When everyone else saw how successful Rufus was, he'd just been shoved aside and even reprimanded by Horace himself.


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