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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 224

Cassandra had already stopped crying after she saw Rufus open his eyes. But now that she saw her name in his contact list, her eyes started to tear up again.

Was it true that he had already seen her as his family?

None of the Tang family members' names were in this list, but hers was. Was she more important to him than his own father?

Desperately trying to hold back her tears, Cassandra dialed Michelle's number. Once she got through, she told her of the accident.

"We're in the ambulance now, but you'll have to be at the hospital as soon as possible. They won't clear him for sugery unless you sign the waiver."

Cassandra tried to be as calm as possible. She didn't want Michelle to worry too much. If she rushed Michelle, she might panic and risk her safety on the way to the hospital, too.

"What? A car accident? I'm on my way!" Michelle exclaimed.

She immediately hung up the phone and rushed towards the hospital as quickly as she could. While she was on her way, she called Jasper to relay the same information. She asked Jasper to return to the country immediately.

She hadn't been in touch with Rufus recently because of their rather busy schedules. She was busy serving as a judge for a fashion design contest overseas. There really was no time for her to notice what was happening between Rufus and Cassandra.

Michelle's heart clenched, thinking about all the gossips that their relationship must have brought.

Rufus was always so careful and cautious. How could a car accident ever happen to him? Were they having problems that made him reckless?

Michelle shook her head violently. Now was not the time to dwell over such things. She focused on making it to the hospital as quickly as possible.

The ambulance quickly arrived at the hospital. Cassandra's grip loosened on Rufus's hand since he had to be rushed to the emergency room. She watched the emergency technicians run towards the room, leaving her in front of the doorway; her eyebrows scrunched together in worry.

Michelle ran towards the reception desk as soon as she got into the lobby, and signed the waiver that was on hold for her.

"Please do everything you can at all costs. We are willing to do anything to save him!" Michelle pleaded with the doctor.

The doctor simply nodded and entered the operating room. Michelle sighed, finally letting her mind and body relax. However, she found herself frowning when she turned around and saw Cassandra.

"Cassandra, what happened? Rufus would never be so reckless when he's driving!"

Michelle asked in a reproaching tone, sensing that the accident must have something to do with Cassandra.

Cassandra's eyebrow twitched upon hearing her. She closed her eyes and breathed, trying to react as calmly as possible.

"I'm sorry, Michelle. I had a fight with Rufus. I said I wanted to break up. He got very emotional talking over the phone..."

Cassandra's voice started to break as she explained, guilt pressuring her to admit that she was partly responsible.

"What were you thinking, Cassandra. Do you know how much he's done for you?"

Michelle asked angrily, her face contorted in frustration.

When Rufus first fell in love with Cassandra, Michelle thought that it was inappropriate. However, as Rufus's family, she eventually gave her blessing to whomever Rufus's heart loved. She believed Rufus when he said that Cassandra was simply forced into the arranged marriage with the Tang family. Michelle didn't really care that Cassandra was married at the time.

But Cassandra's influence on Rufus had been so great that he had even gotten into a car accident. Michelle wasn't able to tolerate it anymore.

"I know...I'm sorry. It was my fault. I'm sorry..."

Tears came down from Cassandra's swollen, red eyes, blurring her vision severely.

She cocooned herself as she was apologizing to Michelle. She blamed herself for everything.

"He has always ignored what everyone has said about you. He's always stayed by your side. He never cared about the gossip and he even took the effort to publicly recognize your relationship. You can't even begin to understand the pressure he's been going through. You don't know what he's sacrificed for you, Cassandra!"

Michelle knew that she was being harsh but she couldn't tolerate such influence. She couldn't treat Cassandra as a friend any longer if she was going to risk Rufus's life.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry..."

Cassandra knew she was in the wrong but she couldn't do anything except apologize. She could only apologize and wait. She wasn't sure about Rufus's wellbeing.

Her heart clenched as she thought of Rufus, all alone, with no one there to accompany him. She thought of the moment when he finally opened his eyes, wanting to say something to her but couldn't make a sound. It was so painful that she felt like a part of her soul had been ripped away.

Michelle sighed irritably. She couldn't understand why Rufus and Cassandra had fallen in love.

The surgery was still slowly ongoing. Each second felt like an entire year.

Cassandra could slowly feel her anxiety attack approaching. She tried her best to calm herself down, praying silently for strength.

'Rufus, I'm praying to God that you will be all right. I'd give up anything in this world as long as I ensure that you're well!'


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