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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 231

Cassandra had been unfocused and absent-minded all day at work. When her assistant spoke to her, she would lose concentration and ask the assistant to repeat the whole lot all over again. She was also slow to react that she would ask the same question three times after the assistant had already answered it.

"Manager Qin? Are you okay?"

Seeing Cassandra in such a state, the assistant was extremely concerned. Her boss had never been in such a mind state before. Lionel, her ex-husband used to verbally abuse her and embarrass her, but through it all, she kept focus and composed. Cassandra was so intelligent and capable that her assistant aspired to be her. Dreaming of the day she would look and react as her boss did. However, today would not be one of those days. It was as though aliens abducted her and left their replacement instead.

"Yes, thanks, I'm fine...well go on," said Cassandra roboticly.

Cassandra motioned her assistant to continue. She, however, was still thinking about Rufus who left the hospital for the meeting at the Tang Group.

Earlier in the hospital, Rufus had demanded to be discharged. The doctor finally resigned himself to allow him to fill out a release agreement as he would be going on his own liability. She wondered what was so important that Rufus would risk his health for? What was he doing now? He was determined and had more stamina than any man she knew. This would overpower his pain and drive him to complete what he needed to.

Coming in and out of her thoughts, Cassandra was only to casually reply to her assistant.

Cassandra was very worried about his health, but she had no way of convincing him. When he put his mind to do something, Rufus would never surrender his stance, and not even if hell snowed over.

Rufus gave her a smile as he saw the concern on her beautiful face and said to her in an affirmative tone, "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I'll go back to the hospital after the meeting. Don't think much about it, okay?"

He stretched his hands out of his car, grasping her hands. He held them tightly as he stared deeply into her eyes, igniting a spark within them. A warmth consumed her body. As though he had achieved what he set out to do, Rufus withdrew his hands and resumed the steering wheel. He drove his vehicle away while Cassandra's imagination and stare followed him until he was out of her sight.

Her hands still warm, she imagined him still holding them in his hands.

"Recently, many people were travelling to G city. The G government took this opportunity to carry out activities, thus promoting its development of tourism. In order to develop our company, Qin Group has also applied to join the Union of Real Estate. It is worth mentioning that our application has been approved,"

the assistant continued making her report to Cassandra on the recent developments of Qin Group. Cassandra nodded slowly as she awoke from her day dream and heard what the assistant said.

She thought to herself, 'For my personal factor, I'm not willing to join the Union of Real Estate. The reason being is that I once served as an manager in Tang Group. Moreover, the Tang Group is now in the position of the Director of the Union. I can imagine how awkward it will be in meetings with the staff who were once working with me. But I have to join the Union of Real Estate regardless of my feelings to promote the development of Qin Group.

In the future I'll hand over the Qin Group to my younger sister, Cloris. Now I must lead this company to succeed and evolve it to all it can be. Only then will the company be in good hands. When the time comes, Cloris will be able to take it over easily and the hand over process will be an easy and painlessly. And I will be able to pursue my dreams.'

"In addition, the Union of Real Estate is currently preparing a charity dinner, which is supposed to raise money for the reconstruction of A city after the earthquake. Our company has also been invited to attend the dinner. It will be held in a month's time," the assistant ended as she looked at her boss inquisitively.


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