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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 256

"Miss Ke, there is a large chance that she will be unable to get pregnant again. She must have gone through a lot. Her body has been damaged and she is too weak to have a baby now."

The doctor shook her head and felt sympathy towards Ivy.

"It doesn't matter. Let her use the medication to rectify the problems. Having a baby is not something we can force, there's always a bit of luck involved in. I'll talk to her in private later. We appreciate you a lot, thank you doctor,"

Amanda sighed and replied in a seemingly sad tone.

When Ivy had received her medication, they left the hospital together.

"Did the doctor say something else?" Ivy asked inquisitively.

She felt happy and relieved after she made the consultation with the doctor.

"She said that you would have a baby soon as long as you take the medicine on time!"

Amanda lied with a straight face while encouraging her.

"Really? Thank you so much, Amanda. I feel so relieved to hear that!"

She hadn't felt excitement for awhile lately. Now Amanda's words made her delighted. A radiance shone from her once dull eyes. Her emotions were written all over the face. "Thank God. I still have the chance to have a child!' Ivy said to herself, elated.

However, she missed the disdainful smile hiding around Amanda's mouth.

When Ivy arrived home, she was surprised to see that everyone had arrived for dinner. Usually, either Lionel or Rufus would be missing. Today, both of them were home.

Horace was delighted too. It was rare for him to have dinner with his sons at the same time. They hadn't enjoyed a meal together for a long time.

"Tell the chef to make more food and create extra courses, especially the ones Rufus likes!"

Horace said assertively, ordering the butler quickly.

Jill bit her lip in secret on his words, especially the words referring to Rufus. He had been staying with Cassandra all this time. Horace was still being good to him. Jill felt irritated and appalled by this brat. Heavily hearted, she battled to breathe deeply.

"Ivy, what would you like? I'll have the chef make something for you as well!" Jill said in a thoughtful manner. This was more as a tit for tat, in connection with her husband's comment. "Take good care of your body and give birth to a grandson for me soon!"

Jill dared not speak her mind. So she asked Ivy deliberately, in mentioning a baby she would remind Lionel indirectly. It would also be a jab at Rufus, to remind him that her son was the one who would have the first grandson of Tangs. Jill sat back, feeling satisfied.

"Well, I've been taking some medicine to help strengthen and balance my body recently. There are certain foods I can't eat. I'll be fine with these meals you've decided on. Thank you, Auntie."

Ivy was implying she was preparing for pregnancy and doing everything correctly. She knew Jill's unspoken intention.

"Oh, of course, you should. You've fallen downstairs and been hurt seriously. What a pity. We were generous and didn't ask the culprit to payback for your loss. Otherwise, she would be in prison instead of living a happy gold digger life!" Jill said spitefully, deciding the occasion was too tempting not to let out her opinion.

She then glared at Rufus, with a snarling face.

Rufus remained silent and calm. He just ignored her, as though she didn't exist, making Jill even more upset.

Horace noticed what Jill was referring to and her intentions. He coughed and said, "All right. We seldom have dinner together. Stop talking nonsense!"

Horace cast a serious look at Jill. At first, he was quite happy when Rufus decided to have dinner at home. His mood was being ruined by her. Jill was behaving unreasonable as she grew older. In the past, she reserved her dislike towards Rufus. Recently she always found fault with him in public and it was always about the same thing. She'd lost her elegance and grace by airing out the dirty laundry.

"Do you think I'm fond of talking nonsense? I won't even mention a word if someone would behave himself. Hey, he came back to the Tang family shamelessly, and now he is dating his younger brother's wife, well, ex-wife! I wonder if he is truly a member of the Tang family blood line!"


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