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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 260

"Courtney? What's wrong with Courtney?"

Clearly, Edith had no knowledge about Courtney's illness. Hence her reaction portrayed utter shock.

Comprehending this, Cassandra went forward and stroked her mother's arms. She wanted her mother to calm down. Eventually, she turned and brought her focus back to Whitney. In a low-pitched voice, she asked, "Auntie Whitney, I believe Cloris isn't aware of Courtney's illness, am I right?"

As she asked this, Cassandra broke into a cold-sweat. She was very intuitive and something told her a bad news was on its way. She sat looking at Whitney expectantly. In spite of her worry, she tried to look unruffled. She didn't want to heighten her mother's anxiety.

"Well, I believe that's a question Cloris should be answering,"

Whitney said in a detached voice. She turned to stare at Cloris who hadn't uttered a single word yet. In fact, ever since she came here, Cloris had been sitting still. For an outsider, she would have come across as mute.

"Cloris, what is going on? Would you just speak up for God's sake? I want you to tell me everything that you know!"

Edith demanded gruffly. Everyone present here was acting vague. She couldn't take it anymore and wanted an explanation.

But Cloris was unperturbed by her mother's screech. She didn't even bother to look up. Instead, she gritted her teeth and turned her head to avoid meeting her mother's gaze.

"Auntie Whitney, is it possible that there is some kind of misunderstanding? We have looked into Courtney's condition before. I am certain it has nothing to do with my sister!" Cassandra asserted.

Like Edith, Cassandra was beginning to lose her composure. When she saw her own sister's attitude, her fear intensified. She was afraid that Whitney might know something that they didn't know. 'Besides, why is Cloris hesitating to speak? From what I know, she is not the kind of person who wouldn't speak up for herself. Since she has taken the decision to keep her mouth shut, there must be something wrong. Does it mean that Auntie Whitney is right?' Cassandra's mind tried to reason.

But no matter what, Cassandra made up her mind to support her family. Cloris was her sister hence she would be on her side through thick and thin.

"Cassandra, I didn't come here to accuse anyone. After all, it's been a long time since this incident. All I ask for is Cloris's apology. I wish she would meet Courtney in person and ask for her forgiveness. This is the least she can do. Now do you think it is too much to ask? One apology will sort out this whole issue!"

Whitney said in a determined tone. She came here expecting an apology and didn't intend to go back without one. She raised her head and her eyes once again flitted over Cloris. A sorrowful look was depicted in her eyes.

"An apology? But for what?" demanded Cassandra.

The more Whitney spoke, the more puzzled she became. Now it was certain that something had happened between Courtney and Cloris. 'Why does she want Cloris to apologize to Courtney? And does it have anything to do with Courtney's illness?' Cassandra wondered.

"Auntie, I am sorry but I don't get you. Would you please care to explain?"

Now Cassandra sounded really puzzled. Whitney instantly understood this wasn't a pretense. On the other hand, Edith mirrored Cassandra's muddled look. In spite of this, Cloris didn't speak up or make an effort to wipe out her sister's and mother's confusion. She sat still, lost in her own thoughts.


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