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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 266

Ever since Rufus heard about Michelle's accident, he had been sure it had nothing to do with Cassandra. Yet he decided it was the best to confront her. He longed to hear it from her. He presumed she would put his mind to a rest.

But unfortunately, Cassandra's response disappointed him.

'What could be the reason? A row between the two women? I can't believe Cassandra would push Michelle over a small brawl. From what I know, she isn't the aggressive type, ' Rufus's mind tried to reason. No, Rufus shook his head vehemently in denial. He couldn't believe Cassandra would do such a thing.

"Rufus, please don't look at me like that," Cassandra pleaded. She detected an aloofness in his face.

She was already exhausted from the questioning. Right now, she was bereft of any strength. She couldn't watch Rufus's cold face. A sinking feeling took over her. It seemed like her throat and nose were brimming with water.

"Then how do you expect me to look at you? Do you want me to look at you with gentle and loving eyes? No Cassandra, I can't do it anymore. You're a darn good actress. You deceived me so easily!"

Anger made Rufus lose his ability to think calmly. He glared at Cassandra furiously. Cassandra could see the fire ignited in him.

At this moment, he felt completely lost. 'Cassandra, how I wish would tell me that she has nothing to do with this accident. How I wish she would confess that it was Cloris who caused all the trouble. Why can't she come clean and tell me she was just a helpless bystander!'

Rufus was outraged with Cassandra's behavior. He loathed it when she put others over herself. He simply couldn't fathom why she offered to take responsibility for someone else's mistake.

Before coming here, Rufus had checked the surveillance video. But the camera was placed far away from the scene, hence he couldn't make out what was really happening. It only gave him a vague idea.

From what he saw, he deduced that Cloris had a physical fight with Michelle. Their distance was widened after a while and they stood apart from each other. But Cloris wasn't done, she continued to yell at Michelle. While this happened, Michelle was still standing next to the handrail. Then all of a sudden, the atmosphere changed.

Cassandra began to sprint towards Michelle, and then she fell over the third floor railing leaving Cassandra agape.

The only thing Rufus was certain was that Cassandra was the closest person to Michelle when this unfortunate accident took place. A huge indoor plant had blocked Rufus's vision hence he couldn't tell what exactly happened.

Cloris was released because there was no strong evidence to prove her guilty. Cassandra, on the other hand, was a major suspect.

At this moment, Michelle was in the hospital and had been in a very critical condition. Jasper would arrive very soon. If Rufus couldn't prove that Cassandra was innocent, he was afraid Cassandra would have to go behind the bars.

Cassandra's lips were trembling with fear. All of a sudden, she opened her mouth. It seemed like she was about to confide in him. But nothing came out of her quivering lips.

Reluctantly, she lowered her head and clasped her hands tightly.

This left Rufus in challenging situation. If Cassandra wouldn't speak up, there was nothing he could do for her. He wracked his mind trying to discern why Cassandra was trying to cover up for Cloris.

"Do you have any idea what a grave mistake your sister has made? Why the hell are you protecting a criminal!"

Rufus spat out in rage. He couldn't suppress his fury anymore.

Hearing Rufus's wrathful tone, Cassandra's whole body stiffened.

Of course, Cassandra was completely aware about Cloris's character. She herself fell victim to her atrocious ploys several times. Jealousy could drive Cloris to do awful things. She had cut up Cassandra's clothes in order to embarrass her in public. She had also destroyed her USB flash drive, making her almost lose a bid.

Yet Cassandra dismissed the thought of making her little sister suffer. 'Okay, she has a bad temper, I agree. Courtney and I had suffered from a mess she created. But what else can I do? Do I have a choice? After all, Cloris is my only biological sister!' Cassandra thought gloomily.

"Blood is thicker than water, Rufus. You have family too. Would you go against your father's wishes? No, you wouldn't. In the same way, I am just fulfilling my responsibilities. When my father went to prison, I swore to him that I would take full responsibility of Cloris. I gave him my word, Rufus. Should I just sit back and watch her suffer?"


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