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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 270

She couldn't shake the image of the unicorn from her head. She imagined her unicorn sitting in Amanda's bookshelves, and in her office.

She had always thought what Rufus and she had was exclusive, like a secret. She thought the unicorn was the only proof of their happy times, the only thing that could comfort her, the only thing to which she could pour her heart out.

But Ivy had made her aware of the truth. Everything she felt was only a part of her imagination. To Rufus, she was nothing but any other woman, never unique or special.

Yes, she should have thought about that. How could she be the unique one? She was completely aware of the cold battle between Amanda and herself.

Sometimes, Cassandra felt Rufus was close to her, but other times, he seemed far off.

No one knew what he was thinking about. He was unpredictable. Cassandra wasn't sure she ever totally had him.

He was once Amanda's lover. They had an intense past. What did that make Cassandra? A dessert after dinner?

It was ridiculous when she thought about it now.

She sat on the cold ground, feeling hollow. It felt like her mind was trying to process some kind of unknown feelings. Her stomach seemed to be cramping in knots.

She had already been in a bad mood and now her body was starting to feel wrong too.

Cassandra forced a wry smile and struggled to pull herself off the floor. She directly threw herself on the couch.

She closed her eyes to rest but it seemed as if the light could penetrate through her eyelids. There was a red glow instead of a black nothingness in front of her.

She felt drained but couldn't fall asleep, no matter how much she tried.

When she had decided to break up with Rufus, she was already prepared to separate from him and go different ways. Yet, when the truth was finally uncovered, her heart ached.

How silly she had been! Now she realized, the deep love she thought they had, only existed in her head.

She wanted to cry, but refrained herself from it. She wanted to smile, but all her smiles were stained of bitterness. Unable to stop the flooding thoughts, she curled herself up like a silkworm pupa, snuggling into the warmth of the couch.

'Cassandra, go to sleep. Take some good sleep and wake up fresh! Forget about all of this! There are still so many things waiting for you to accomplish!'

she kept repeating that in her mind, hoping to fall in the trance of sleep. After a long time, she finally did.

At the same time, far away in the ward of a hospital, Michelle sat eating soup Jasper had cooked for her. She sipped slowly, spoonful by spoonful while Jasper sat next to her, looking at her, alert.

"Thank you for making this soup for me, Jasper. I hope it wasn't a lot of trouble,"

Michelle said after finishing the soup and handed the bowl to Jasper.

Jasper, who always tried to maintain a poker face in public, took the bowl and smiled slightly. He was a completely different person in front of his love ones.

"No. It's my honor. If you like it, I can cook for you every day!"

Jasper felt pained. Thanks to the decorations in the mall which acted like buffers, Michelle got saved upon falling. Otherwise, she could've been in a far more terrible situation.

Fortunately, she gained consciousness soon and didn't have any major injuries. She seemed quite healthy already.

"When is Rufus coming?" she asked, a tad bit desperate.

Since Michelle had told Rufus the truth about her accident having to do nothing with Cassandra, she hadn't seen him. It had been more than 24 hours.


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