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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 388

The fact that Rufus didn't push away Amanda when she came for a hug unnerved Cassandra. 'Why didn't he just refuse her? How hard can it be to say no?' she thought with some frustration.

With every passing second, Cassandra became angrier and angrier. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't dispel this thought out of her mind. In short, it deprived her of having a good peace of mind.

Staying alone in her room, she couldn't help but imagine what was happening in the next door.

'I wonder what they are doing now. Are they sitting together in the room? If so, what are they doing for such a long time?' Cassandra thought, dubiously.

With a sigh, she rolled out of her bed. She couldn't take it anymore.

'That bastard! How dare he get so intimate with Amanda! If he loved her then why did he utter those sweet words to me? What a dilemma he is putting me in!' Cassandra murmured to herself, cursing Rufus.

Just when she was drowning in her misery, a sudden knock on the window brought her back to reality. At first, she was a little bewildered and thought she had perhaps misheard it.

But the knocking persisted and Cassandra realized she hadn't imagined it. Slowly, she pulled the window curtain back and examined what it was. To her surprise, it was Rufus who was standing outside the window.

Suddenly, she covered the window with the curtain and took a step back. His presence had led her heart to beat faster.

'What? He has the audacity to knock on my window!' she thought with utter shock.

There came another slight knock. A hurried and deep voice said, "Open the window, Cassandra. Otherwise I'll have to break it!"

Upon hearing his words, Cassandra felt nervous. Rufus wasn't afraid of anything hence he might actually put his threat into practice. Without hesitating any longer, she moved forward and opened the window.

Rufus put his hands on the windowsill and hopped inside the room. In a blink of an eye, he had landed in her bedroom.

"Why did you close the curtain? I wasn't able to see you!"

Rufus complained, childishly. He extended his big hand and forcefully caught a hold of her cute chin.

"Smile, my lady."

Seeing Cassandra frown, Rufus felt like making fun of her.

He was well aware that Clark had installed many cameras in this villa. Hence he discreetly came from a path where no cameras were placed. For a while, he analyzed the place and plotted his entrance. Now he was certain that Clark would not discover him. He was one move ahead of Clark.

Cassandra tilted her head to the left so as to avoid Rufus's touch. In her mind, she was still grieving.

'How does he expect me to smile after seeing him hug Amanda?' Cassandra thought to herself.

Noticing Cassandra's resistance towards him, Rufus instantly understood what was bugging her. He had noticed her disappointment when she saw what happened between him and Amanda. He sighed and held her in his arms.

Cassandra struggled to disentangle herself from his arms but failed miserably. Rufus was much stronger. Watching her vain attempts, he let out a chuckle.

Swiftly, he pushed her against the wall. Now Cassandra's backside started to feel chilly from the cold that was emanating from the wall. On the other hand, heat from Rufus's body began to emit warmth to the front part of her body.

"Don't try to break free, love. You can never escape from my clutch!"

Rufus let out a smile that contained both mischief and delight.

Once he was done speaking, he lowered his head and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"Rufus, let me go..."

Cassandra protested, but her resistance encouraged him further. He began to crush her lips with his lips. Moreover, he had a strong and muscular body. Nothing she did would cause him any pain.

He then slowly carried her to the bed. Once she was safely placed there, he continued on his pursuit to ravish her lips. After a long and passionate time, Cassandra felt like she was in a daze. All the exhaustion from fighting and struggling led her to fall asleep.

Her face was now red like an apple. Rufus gazed at her and realized how beautiful she looked.


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