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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 39

It is said that a man has gold under his knees - he should never show his weakness by kneeling before another person. Yet here Lionel found himself kneeling to Cassandra, but of course that was because Rufus had made him. He collapsed in a heap, rocking back and forth, trying to find a way to get up off the floor.

Lionel felt absolutely humiliated. He had never kneeled to anyone in his life. The awkward gesture rendered Cassandra startled. She gasped as she covered her mouth with her tiny hands, her eyes filled with surprise.

"Rufus, forget it. I didn't get hurt anyway. Let him go."

Cassandra was afraid that the spectators would make mountains out of molehills. She wanted everything to be copacetic, for everyone to get along. She hated drama. At her words, Lionel broke free from Rufus.

But Lionel was furious and ready for a rematch. Between his impetuousness and Rufus's machismo, they were poised to go at each other again. Fortunately, someone had called hotel security. Security guards arrived just in time to wrestle the two away from each other.

"Rufus, this is not over! Don't even think we are done. I'll get you back for this someday, when you least expect it! And I swear it'll hurt far worse than your weak-ass kick."

Lionel glared at Rufus like a cat gone feral, aching to sink his teeth into some blood and flesh. He gnashed his teeth and pointed two fingers at Rufus as he turned to leave the hotel. Rufus, for his part, kept it cool as Lionel bolted his way out of the door.

Lionel caught one last look at Cassandra as he left. His foul mood had been brewing and demanded that he had to leave now, before his ego took anymore damage. So he looked away quickly and sped up his pace to get the hell out of there.

A sudden and unexpected farce had come to an end. After Lionel left, there was a worried look on Cassandra's face and her eyebrows furrowed. She bit her lips subconciously. Lionel wouldn't give up easily this time. He wouldn't stop until he ferreted out the truth. The man was on a crusade.

If Lionel didn't stop at this incident – if he didn't let go of Rufus during their scuffle and tracked down the clues – sooner or later, he would find out what had happened between Cassandra and Rufus that night in Rome. And if that actually happened, it would be a disaster.

"Don't worry. I'm here with you,"

Rufus said to Cassandra, hoping to bring her a bit of comfort. He could feel her anxiety and worry. Rufus gazed at Cassandra lovingly as he glided toward her. His gentle voice was magical, easing her fears.

Cassandra raised her eyes to meet his and nodded her head.

She didn't know why, but she felt so secure having him around her, as always.

She couldn't help but long to depend on him.

The Tang mansion blazed with light in the night sky.

When Cassandra and Rufus arrived at the mansion together, Jill walked right up to Cassandra and slapped her in the face.

It happened so fast that even Rufus, who was vigilant at all times, didn't have time to react.

Cassandra was dumbstruck as she brought her hand up to soothe her stinging cheek. But it was hard to stanch the flow of tears, as she didn't understand why this had just happened.

"What the hell! Why did you just slap her for no reason? Who gave you the authority to attack someone out of the blue like that?"

Rufus's demanding, booming voice broke the silence. His face took on a menacing look, and his words felt threatening.

Even Jill, who was fierce and had just made a very bold move, took a step back out of fright. But soon, she channeled her inner toughness, pointed her fingers at them and yelled, "I slapped her for no reason? Really? I'm teaching my daughter-in-law a lesson she should have learned by now! Cassandra, you are such a whore. And you're making a fool out of my dear Lionel. You deserve it!"

Jill, whose face was always plastered with makeup, looked hideous inside and out after saying such nasty words. She glared at Cassandra, imagining tearing her apart, limb by limb.

Obviously, Lionel had said something to Jill when he came back. Cassandra's worry was right. Her head was filled with panic again.

"What makes you think I am a whore?"

Cassandra said calmly, as she lifted her head to look Jill squarely in the eye. From her newly composed demeanor, no one would have believed Jill had just slapped her moments earlier.


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