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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 416

Horace, lying in the hospital bed, had spent the entire day in a lethargic state. His mental state was that of utter despondency. Every time Jill looked at him, tears would ooze in her eyes.

As soon as he fell asleep, she took a chance to talk to Lionel, her face full of concern and worry.

"Lionel, do you think I should go talk to Alice? Maybe she can change Arthur's mind and prevent Dawn Star Group from fighting against us? The two companies can coexist in peace, for god's sake!"

Jill knew Tang Group was in a dangerous position right now. She felt powerless, because she didn't know much about how the business worked. The only thing in her power was to go and talk to Alice, given the relationship they had shared before.

"No, Mom. You shouldn't. Arthur is determined to make us suffer, so there's no use talking to his mother. It will only give them more reasons to laugh at us."

Lionel had decided not to admit defeat to Arthur. His pride wouldn't let him. Ever since they were both little, he'd been better than Arthur in every way imaginable. However, things had changed now. Truth was, the Tang Group wasn't capable of competing with the Dawn Star Group. But it was very hard for Lionel to accept it.

"But, Lionel, don't you see your father's condition? It just makes me so sad to see him lying there like this...so lifeless..."

Jill couldn't even finish her sentence. She was at the verge of crying again. Horace's health worried her every second. His condition had worsened. Rufus's hatred towards him was like a sharp knife piercing through his heart. She was afraid Horace wouldn't make it if things went badly for Tang Group.

"Mom, please don't worry. Trust me. I will think of another way,"

Lionel tried to comfort Jill, as his face was frowned.

"Or...maybe we can go talk to Rufus again?"

Jill suggested hesitantly. After all these days of suffering, she had completely lost her fighting spirit. It felt like she would lose her mind if she continued seeing Horace lying on the bed every day.

Jill couldn't even imagine what she would do if something happened to him. She had to find a way to save the company so she could save her husband, her son, and herself.

"Why do you want to talk to Rufus?"

Lionel asked tilting his head, taken aback. He never thought Jill would suggest this. She hated Rufus so much! It was unbelievable that she would change her mind.

Jill sighed deeply and answered, "Lionel...You know I hate that bastard, Rufus. He can never compare to you. But look at the situation objectively. The group is in such a critical position right now. You cannot save it on your own. I cannot think of any other way. I'd go ask him even though I really don't want to."

She was ashamed to have stooped down to such an extent.

Never in a million years would she succumb to this choice if the company wasn't in this state. She had absolutely no one else to turn to. Rufus was, after all, Horace's son. Apart from that, he was the only one who had the capability to change the situation and save the company.


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