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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 430

Cassandra was starting to get more and more anxious and uneasy as the minutes passed. She had a strong feeling that something very bad was about to happen.

Clearly, the women in front of her were here to cause trouble. 'Stupid! How stupid I was to believe that they could actually be serious about buying the place, ' Cassandra thought with regret.

"Give me the phone and get out, now!"

Cassandra demanded. She looked at the two with firm authority. The two shameless women did not scare her.

"Wow, take it easy, will you? We only came here to see the place. Is that the proper way to treat your customers, Miss Qin? By driving them away?"

Amanda scoffed. What's done is done. All she wanted to do was to intimidate Cassandra and show her what she was capable of. So what if she looked like some uncivilized tramp? Her image was the least of her concerns. Right now, she was happy for as long as Cassandra was irritated.

"You know very well why I must treat you this way. I don't have to remind you of what you just did and the real reason why you're here. I will not say this again: Get out, now!"

Cassandra raised her voice sternly with a frown. Then, she waited for Amanda and Ivy to do as they were told. However, the two only exchanged knowing looks but still did not back off.

"Or else, what? I'm curious what you'll do about it," Amanda said mockingly. "I know what you're planning. You're going to Rufus, right? You'll cry your heart out and tell him that his fiancee scratched you. But here's the thing: Do you think he'll believe you without proof?" she continued.

A sinister smile was on Amanda's face. Arrogance filled her as she was sure that there were no witnesses. It would be Cassandra's word against hers otherwise.

Just then, the door was suddenly opened. Against the light, they saw a tall, well-built man walk into the room.

"Of course I will believe her," said a cold, calm voice.

It was Rufus. With a furrowed brow, he threw a cold, judging look at Amanda and Ivy. But when he turned to Cassandra, suddenly, it turned to concern and reassurance.

"Sorry, I'm late, Cassandra,"

he said to her gently. He was informed by his men that Cassandra was going to entertain interested customers in Lyndsy's studio that afternoon. But then, he also received news that Amanda was going there with Ivy.

Unconvinced that they were really interested buyers, he hurried over without a second thought. His anger shot up overhearing what Amanda told Cassandra when he arrived; he would never have expected the Amanda he knew, with her pure and innocent front, would say those were words.

The moment he came in and saw the two women standing in front of Cassandra and the latter with scratches on her neck, everything immediately made sense.

His heart sank, partly because he worried about Cassandra, and partly because he hated himself for ever believing in Amanda.

"Seems that I have been too nice to you, Amanda,"

said Rufus as he approached her. Amanda was now very pale. She trembled as she had never heard Rufus talk to her this way.

"She started it, I swear!"

Amanda blurted, pointing at Cassandra. Naturally, the real culprit would be the first one to point fingers at others. Amanda was no exception. Clearly, she wanted to pin it all down on Cassandra.

"Oh, really? Do you have proof?"

Rufus said sarcastically, lifting his eyebrows. He knew now that he had to take everything Amanda said with a grain of salt. As it turned out, she had been hiding her true self from him this whole time.

"It's true! Tell him, Ivy. Tell him how we were treated by this woman, and how she started the quarrel!"

Amanda urged in great anxiety, pulling Ivy by the arm. She was doing really well, looking like a pure and innocent lamb, which was very different from how she was when she threatened Cassandra.

"It's true! We were here only to check out this place, and yet, she kept provoking us!"

Ivy exclaimed. Obviously, she took Amanda's side. Still, Rufus's grim face terrified her. In her panic, she shrank nearer to Amanda as soon as she finished speaking.

'Why is he suddenly here?' Ivy thought. 'How did he know what was happening?' This was not part of her plan. She had wanted to get the two women to fight so that she could profit from their conflict. Never did she expect Rufus to arrive even before the climax.

Now, things seemed to have gone completely out of control. She didn't know what to do! Oh, how she wished she could just slip out of this immediately.

Rufus fixed his gaze on Ivy when he heard her words. This, of course, intimidated her even more.

'This woman has been causing troubles ever since she was still in the Tang family, ' he thought. Back then, Rufus paid her no attention. Never did he imagine that she would have the audacity to coax Amanda into doing this to Cassandra.

"I heard that your brother was let out. Is that correct? Did he go through due process? I wonder,"

Rufus asked in a threatening tone. He could have turned a blind eye to this matter, but now, he was determined to teach Ivy a lesson.

Ivy looked at him, stunned. A flicker of fear flashed on her face.

She knew what Rufus meant to say. He knew something and he was not afraid to use it.

"Also, weren't you the one who sent your brother to approach Cassandra's father before he went on his trial? He asked him to commit suicide, didn't he?"

Rufus questioned, taking a step closer towards Ivy while his gaze became even more intense.

Ivy opened her mouth to respond but no words came out. His words and his eyes sent shivers down her spine. Her whole body clenched and she was unable to move.

"Actually, I'm impressed. I never thought you'd manage to press my buttons. You did such a good job giving the woman I love a hard time. Was it because you thought I wouldn't make you pay the price?"

Rufus narrowed his dark eyes. Ivy was still frozen under his cold, icy gaze.

Amanda, on the other hand, felt her heart break at Rufus words when he called Cassandra 'the woman he loved.'


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