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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 438

When Ivy handed Amanda her resignation letter, Amanda didn't bat an eyelid and signed it immediately.

"Ivy, please work hard for Mr. Ji,"

she told her, looking strangely relieved, as if she had unloaded some kind of burden.

Amanda had agreed almost instantly when Clark said that he wanted Ivy to work for him.

The last time he insulted her in the office, it was because of her own slip up. She made a mistake, which cost her terribly. Cassandra and Rufus were able to make up, throwing out that little space Clark had to carve for himself in Cassandra's life.

Now, another very willing woman had appeared to take her place as Clark's scapegoat. Amanda wondered if she felt pity for the other girl, but found that in her heart, there was only a twisted sense of relief. She knew better than anyone what it meant to be Clark's woman, and there was nothing she wanted more than to rid herself of him, even if that meant another woman was going to be what she used to be.

On her end, Ivy also felt relief. She had thought that there might be problems, but she was pleasantly surprised at how smooth-sailing things had gone.

Once again, Amanda's relieved expression came to her mind. It was indeed strange. Why did she look so relieved when Clark was taking another woman with him? Was there no love between them? Was their connection nothing more than matters of the flesh?

Ivy was puzzled, but her questions disappeared as quickly as they had come. She had better fix her attention elsewhere. Now that she was going to be around Clark day and night in the future, she could not help but feel excited at her prospects.

Oddly enough, however, Clark did not assign any work to Ivy, but only allowed her to take unlimited vacations. Ivy was either relaxing at a beauty salon, shopping at a mall, or doing yoga at home. Despite her carefree lifestyle, she had put in a bit of restrain and did not go out to have fun as often, thinking that Clark might call her for work anytime. Like a faithful dog, she jumped to her phone at the first ring, but no calls had come from him.

Clark just invited her to dinner from time to time, took her out to various high-end clubs, but all-in-all, he remained ambiguous towards her.

Every time Ivy would get her hopes up, Clark would take things a step back and distance himself, not calling until after a few days. He had even never entered her apartment.

What was his deal? Ivy beat her brains in frustration. She had no idea what that man was thinking. What did he want from her? Was it sex?

But he had never touched her either. He had only looked at her seductively, leaving her in confusion between the contradiction with his words and actions.

Even when she tried to take the lead and suggested they go to his house, Clark was quick to decline her. However, he was very generous. He would shower her with expensive gifts without so much as a blink.

It was like his mind was a maze, and Ivy had lost herself trying to find a way out.

One day, just as she was relaxing at home with a face mask on, the phone rang. Ivy was on her feet in a split second and answered the phone.

"Can you come to my presidential suite in the hotel I'm staying in? I'll wait for you."

Clark's familiar voice echoed from the other end. Ivy jumped up excitedly and pulled off the mask to get dressed. Her chance had finally come.

Clark had invited her to his presidential suite. Just what was he about to do to her? She could not help to think mischievously to herself.

When she was ready, she stood in front of a mirror. The picture of a perfect woman looked at her from it. She sprayed perfume on her body and went straight to Clark.

However, there was none of the sensual mood she was expecting when she arrived. Clark was wearing a serious expression. Saying nothing about her meticulous get up, he handed her an envelope and said, "Take a look."

With that, he lit a cigarette and blew out smoke. The white wisps were almost eerie in the dim light, and the smell of tobacco permeated the room.

A strange feeling was gnawing at Ivy. Puzzled, she took the envelope and opened it. There was a printed piece of paper inside. Her face turned white as she read the words on it.

"This is slander!"

she shouted, brandishing the paper in her hand wildly.

"I didn't do this! This is all nonsense!"

Ivy felt sick to her stomach, and nothing could hide her turmoil.

"This was sent to me by someone who seems to know that you and I are together."

Clark leaned back on his chair and let out a deep sigh, showing an air of tiredness. After a short pause, he continued slowly, "Ivy, I don't really care for a woman's background. Not her money, not her name, or her family. If I like her, that is all that matters to me,"

There was disappointment clearly in his tone. Ivy had never seen him like this.

"You may not believe me, but I am very careful when it comes to the women I'm with. Of course, the thought of getting a wife had entered my mind. I admit that you're not my first woman, but you're the one I want to be with the most. I know everything you've been through, and I don't care about all of those things. I just want to be with you in the future,"

Clark said gently, but there was a sneer in his eyes. Ivy stood across from him, her eyes glued to the paper in disbelief. She could not see his vicious expression.

"But this letter has made things difficult for me, Ivy."

Clark stood up and turned his back on Ivy, pinching the cigarette butts at his fingertips.

Ivy clutched the letter with trembling hands, the sheet wrinkled from the tightness of her grip.


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