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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 457

This small moment between them was interrupted by Cloris's voice. "Mom! I'm back!"

she announced as she walked in from outside. The moment she entered, she saw Rufus and Cassandra standing side by side. The smile on her face instantly fell and it was replaced by a coldness she did not even bother to mask.

She entered the hallway with furrowed eyebrows. She moved carelessly, kicking off her shoes and stomping through the floor. She passed Cassandra and Rufus without even acknowledging them.

Cassandra didn't say anything at the display of rudeness from her younger sister. When Cloris went to the kitchen to look for her mother, Cassandra bent down and picked up the shoes that her sister kicked off on the floor and put them in their proper place by the door.

Hardly had Cloris shut the door of the kitchen when she started to complain, "Mom, why are they together again? Didn't you say that you would not allow their relationship?"

There had been plenty of times in the past when Cloris heard her mother's opposition against the relationship between Cassandra and Rufus. 'Why are they shamelessly showing up together now? And in our house, of all places, ' Clories wondered.

"I am against their relationship, but you sister is stubborn. How can I kick him out? Just treat him as a guest for now. Even strangers should be treated with good manners."

Edith's eyes remained fixed on the chopping board as she sliced the vegetables. She was so occupied with cooking that she didn't even turn her head to look at Cloris, whose face had turned dark.

"Mom, I didn't tell you this before, but the last time I was with Arthur, Rufus embarrassed me in the public. He accused me in front of so many people! Did he think that he could criticize me because he was going to be my brother-in-law? Even Cassandra, my own sister, can't do this to me!"

Remembering the scene, Cloris felt her anger from that time return. She had lost face in front of Arthur because of Rufus! There was no way she would let this go so easily.

At this, the sound of chopping ceased. "What?" Edith asked, wide-eyed. "What happened? Why didn't you tell me?"

She put down the knife in her hand and turned to Cloris with a doubtful look.

Cloris saw the disbelief in her mother's face and instantly answered, "What? You don't believe me? If you'd much rather believe him, ask him later yourself. He is not my father. He is no one. So what right did he have to talk down to me? Even my own father never said anything like that!"

Ever since she was a little girl, Cloris had been pampered by her parents. She had grown up conceited with the attention they lavished on her, and she despised it when things did not go her way. 'How could Cassandra side with Rufus? How dare them!' she screamed in her head, cursing them inwardly.

Upon hearing that her daughter had been mistreated by her guest, Edith immediately decided to stop playing the nice host. The knife fell with a clatter on the wooden chopping board.

Huffing out an infuriated breath, she said, "I was originally planning to cook some nice dishes and treat him like a guest, but after knowing what he did, I've changed my mind. He doesn't deserve to be treated well."

With irritated steps, Edith went to the stove and started the fire, throwing the vegetables in a pan. From the fridge, she took out some tofu and started to chop.

The meat that was half-chopped, however, was put back into the fridge. She wouldn't waste perfectly good meat on a man who had disrespected her daughter.

Cloris was more than pleased with her mother's response. With a grin, she came close to Edith and kissed her on the cheek.

"Thank you, Mom, You're the only one on my side!"

Then she walked smugly out of the kitchen to her bedroom.


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