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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 61

Cassandra woke up to the pitter-patter of rain falling outside. It drummed softly on the leaves and blanketed the morning in a rhythmic white noise of nature.

Her eyes were still hazy with sleep, until she came to the sudden realization that she was in Lionel's room. Wide-eyed, and her mind sounding alarms, she sprang up to check her own body.

She was under the cover of the blanket, and her clothes were exactly as they were when she fell asleep. She ran her hands over her limbs, as if in search for a phantom touch that could possibly linger. Convinced that nothing was different, she heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that Lionel didn't touch her.

The thought of him made her turn her head and scan the room. He was nowhere to be found.

She stood up from the bed and opened the door, treading softly on the carpeted floor. It was still early, and she did not want to make noise and attract anyone's attention. She crossed the hall and went, as quickly as her quiet steps would allow her, to the guest room where she was living in. Then she locked the door, and took a shower. When she finished, she came out with her body wrapped in a bath towel. To her surprise, there was a man standing in the middle of the room, his eyes fixed on her.

Reflexively, she tightened the towel around herself to find any semblance of modesty it could give her, then she stormed to the intruder.

"Rufus! When did you come in!" she confronted him.

Rufus remained his standing position, unaffected by her anger. The dim light of the autumn morning silhouetted his face, hiding parts of it in shadows. Despite the absence of light, one could feel a heavy aura coming from him.

He replied to her in a low voice, "I have been here. You didn't come back last night. So I was here the entire night."

Cassandra felt herself warm with his words as a slew of thoughts crowded her head. 'Was he sleeping on the my bed? Did he use my blanket?

Was the bed clean enough? Was my hair on it? Was it comfortable enough for him?' The questions went on and on until she realized the insignificance of the things she was agonizing over.

'Wait a second…' she thought, shaking her head and collecting her wits.

There was a more important question that had to be answered.

"Why did you sleep in my room last night?" she questioned. Her voice was firm but the blush on her face betrayed her emotions at the moment.

A playful smile crept up Rufus' face.

"I wanted to be close to you. Your bed smells like you. It was really...nice," Rufus continued, his voice dropping at the last words.

Cassandra knew all too well that he was teasing her, and yet, she found herself curling up like a cat to his words. Was she…enjoying this?

'Cassandra, how can you stoop so low? How dare you entertain flirtation with your brother-in-law!' she castigated herself. 'You are the wife of Lionel. You are supposed to behave like a married woman. It is unacceptable to keep pursuing an ambiguous relationship with Rufus, ' she went on reminding herself.

Gripping the voice of reason, she spoke in the coldest tone she could muster, "Well, you can go out now. I need to change."

Undeterred, Rufus' eyes roamed all over her body as if he was devouring her with his eyes. His eyes glinted with mischief as he asked, "Why? Are you bothered with me looking at your naked body?"

Cassandra knew the game he was playing. She also knew he wouldn't go out so easily.

Abandoning any further effort to drive him away, Cassandra took her clothes and went into the bathroom, locking the door after her. She dressed herself and came out.

As she expected, Rufus was still in her room. Without so much as a glance, she walked pass him and out of the guest room, and suddenly was surprised to find Cloris standing at the door holding a tray.

She was here to bring Rufus breakfast.

Rufus was sleeping in the guest room since he forgot to close the window of his own room the night he went to the hospital. His bed was drenched from the heavy rain, so he moved to the guest room instead.

Cloris was about to knock on the door, but before she could do so, the door opened, revealing Cassandra.

For a moment, the sisters stood face to face, gaping at each other in an awkward silence.

They looked at each other wordlessly in confusion.

Rufus broke the silence between them when he casually took the tray from Cloris's hands.

"Thank you, Cloris. I was just getting hungry," he said simply.

His words pulled Cloris back to her senses, but questions lingered at the back of her mind. She pushed her way inside the bedroom, inspecting every detail as anxiety clawed at her. Her eyes were pulled to a familiar alarm clock by the bed. It was a gift from their mother to Cassandra. She always had it with her.

Once again, it was Rufus who provided an explanation to her unspoken questions.

"Yesterday, I just randomly chose a guest room. I only found out that this was your sister's room this morning when she came in to pick up her things."

It didn't take much to see Cloris's puzzlement at the situation, and so Rufus took it upon himself to diffuse the tense atmosphere before anything else surfaced. It was the logical move. His words, however, made Cassandra uneasy. She could not put her finger at the strange feeling that slowly crept inside her chest.

"Rufus, you must have been very tired. You even entered the wrong room," Cloris responded.

Relief washed over Cassandra when Cloris didn't press the matter any further. She quietly left the room as Cloris continued to make small conversations with Rufus.

Downstairs, Horace was having his breakfast, giving Cassandra a smile as she descended from the stairs.

Just earlier, Lionel came down for his breakfast. Before taking his leave, he asked his father not to wake Cassandra up so that she could sleep longer.


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