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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 304

Chapter 304 Choosing Not To heal 

The information Finnegan received was indeed the identification of Yasmine and the Little Tyrant, Yuvan. 

However, it wasn’t entirely true. 

The text did not mention that Yasmine was the daughter of the Snape family, one of the five major families in Loang. It also didn’t mention the true family background of Yuvan. It inerely glossed over those details. 

If their problems hadn’t been of their own making, Finnegan might have actually believed the message. 

However, that also revealed UnderNet was only responsible for conveying the information without verifying its authenticity. 

“UnderNet is really making all the money without any responsibility!” With a sneer, Finnegan tapped on the keyboard and replied with a message: I can treat them, but I won’t! 

Following that, without waiting for a reply, Finnegan exited UnderNet and turned off his computer. 

He was responsible for Yuvan’s and Yasmine’s affliction, so he certainly wouldn’t treat them. 

Upon receiving Finnegan’s response, UnderNet truthfully relayed the information back to the inquirer. 

Before long, Hank, who was enjoying coffee at a high-class cafe with Yasmine and Catherine, received a phone call. 

Furrowing his brow, he soon relaxed and lifted his cup. 

After taking a sip, he put it down. “He can treat them but won’t?” 

The voice of a man came through the phone. “This is the response from UnderNet.” 

“It seems I shouldn’t have bothered myself with this.” Hank chuckled lightly, showing no signs of anger. “Forget it. Just keep an eye on the ongoing feud between the Wahlstrom family and the Zymons family. Don’t concern yourself with anything else.” 

“Mr. Weatherby, I found an interesting bounty on UnderNet.” 

Hank narrowed his eyes. “Speak up. I hope it’s truly interesting and not just a waste of my your nonsense!” 

The man on the other end of the phone hurriedly said, “I saw a billion-dollar-bounty. The tai Loang, and the order was taken by Blood Moon. I thought to myself that the person they want must be some big shot in Loang, so I spent two million to buy the identity information of the p the bounty on their head. I discovered that the target is Finnegan!” 

Just because someone had accepted the deadly bounty of UnderNet didn’t mean others couldn’t in It simply required a certain fee to purchase the bounty information. 

However, that was only limited to the information about the bounty target. The client’s information wa not for sale. 


Upon hearing that, Hank fell silent for three seconds, then burst into laughter. “It seems that this Finnegan has not only offended us but also upset some other big shots.” 

The man on the other end of the phone sneered, “Mr. Weatherby, once Blood Moon takes a job, they won’t stop until it’s done. We probably won’t even need to lift a finger” 

Hank stated, “Whether or not to take action is not your decision to make. Just continue to keep an eye on the Wahlstrom family and the Zymons family.” 

Having said that, Hank hung up the phone. 

Quickly, Catherine asked, “Mr. Weatherby, you mentioned Finnegan just now. What happened to that piece of trash?” 

It wasn’t any big secret, so Hank told Catherine about it 

In the end, he rubbed his temples. “He must have offended someone recently. Those people, due to their respect for the Wright family, couldn’t act against him directly, so they must have hired an assassin. However, it didn’t matter who wanted to kill him. What really troubled me was the issue with Yuvan and Yasmine.” 

He sought out several of the top ten miracle doctors. Apart from Darius, who had the ability to help but chose not to, the rest expressed their inability to help. 

After much difficulty, Hank heard that someone on UnderNet was using the name of a miracle doctor. Originally, he thought about giving it a try. 

The response he received was merely: I can treat them, but I won’t! 

“I bet the person on the UnderNet can’t treat those conditions and is saying they won’t do it to keep their dignity.” Catherine scoffed, ” As for that Finnegan, he is always impudent and relies on a powerful backing to bully people. It’s only natural he’d have a bounty on his head. It’ll be even better if he’s dead!” 

Hank stated, “If possible, I’d still prefer him to be alive. After all, he is too valuable!” 

Putting aside the fact that Yasmine’s and Yuvan’s condition might eventually require Finnegan’s intervention, Finnegan was influential enough that Hank wanted the young man on his side. 

If Hank succeeded, his arrangements in the southern region would save him a considerable amount of time and things would proceed much more smoothly. 

Catherine was well aware of Hank’s thoughts. 

Thus, even though she wished more than anything for Finnegan to die, she didn’t dare voice her opposition at that moment. “What are you planning to do, Mr. Weatherby?” 

He glanced at Yasmine, who seemed like a statue, as if she hadn’t even heard them speaking. 

Hank sighed lightly. “Tm waiting for an opportunity that will take me to the Nuthana!” 

After an early start. Finnegan arrived at jerome Medical Clinic. 

Regi Group’s free medical consultations were halted. Meanwhile, Jerome Medical Clinic had Jerome and Kenneth leading a team of more than ten doctors in consultations. Thus, the number of patients increased 

significantly. Some were even waiting outside. 

“Master!” Seeing him arrive, Jerome directed the patient to go to Kenneth first, then he went over to greet Finnegan. “You’ve finally arrived. If you hadn’t come soon, I would have had to call you!” 

Finnegan asked, “What’s wrong?” 

Jerome gave a bitter smile. “There are too many people here. Let’s talk at the back.” 

The two of them arrived in the backyard. 


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