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A Healer’s Journey (Finnegan and Nuthana) Novel novel Chapter 308

Chapter 308 Finnegan Degraded As a Dogg 

ith a fit physique and stunning features in black foron tinggraining are approached. 

and her was a refined elderly man with gray hair and a medicacion in hand. 

enimegirl drew near, she swept her eyes over Finnegan in distaste te betere turning her attention to 

yarot dour dog from spouting nonsense! Otherwise, you might inadveverely bfc-threatening danger to If your youre not careful.” 

haseesiression abruptly changed. “Mind your words, jacquelineet 

ngeza to her dog was simply courting death. 

invention stiere merely snorted as she walked past them “Don’t forget that arvioidun my grandmother, bed benoble sol sahistrom family today. It’s you and your dog who should watchchovour words 

shectiche a race back. ignoring the increasingly grim expression on Alisha’s fateceAfsus dJicheard my ras beny babe Bun. Bring the culprits to me before midnight. I’d like to see whondacated to lay a hand on erou 

ing that, jacuicone courteously said to the refined elderly man. This way please. el.z.dester!” 

Bod out. Stop son richt there!” 

jacqueime clearly cary ridn’t pay Alisha any mind. She left with the refined elderly mammentarering the Iding with him. him.. 

itted her teeth win wait. iwilkmake sure she apologizes to you.” 

With an indiferent expressioression. Finnegan stopped Alisha. “That old man just now was Chardie 

er mind back on the appeuropearance of the old man earlier, Alisha said, ‘Charlie Zester one miracle doctors in jacas tartak ter: dwasn’t paying attention earlier.” 

  1. Finnegan said, “Let’s gu’s go.” 

as taken aback Aren’t you attengry?” 

ng called a dog by jacqueime, base bonden her understanding of Finnegan, there was no way here bit go. 

retored meaningfully. Doestandsning here iscip event my anger? But who was that young skills were quite impressive sivel 

niy, she had the cuhivation of Prefatichnunary bank of finigma Realm. 

ally, he detected a hint of a familiarsin wedroom her 

ed Finnegan suspiciously. As they walkew, theberabezarino explain about jacqueline’s identity. 

“Her name is Jacqueline Zymons, another orphan adopted by Mdm. Yeatman. She was taken in when she was just a few months old, so she’s closer to Mdm. Yeatman than Jacques. Furthermore, her capabilities are exceptional. In her early teens, she was already a disciple of the vice president of Martial Arts Alliance and president of Southern Martial Arts Alliance.” 

Upon hearing that, Finnegan chuckled meaningfully. “Martial Arts Alliance is divided into the Northern and Southern, each governed by a vice president. Could she stand out among the millions of Martial Arts Alliance’s disciples to be accepted by the president of Southern Martial Arts Alliance?” 

Given Jacqueline’s arrogant and domineering demeanor, Finnegan was certain there was something shady about the matter. 

“I used to be very curious about that, too. But now, I think I know the reason. Mdm. Yeatman must have asked Mr. Dunn to arrange it,” Alisha replied softly. 

Given Norman’s status as the underworld king of Jipsdale, the president of Southern Martial Arts Alliance would still show him some respect. 

“So, she usually stays in Jipsdale?” Finnegan asked. 

Alisha nodded slightly. “Yes, she’s mostly in Jipsdale. She must have rushed back this time upon hearing that Mdm. Yeatman is ill.” 

A sudden realization dawned upon Finnegan, and he said, “No wonder she dared to call me your dog. It turns out that she has just returned from Jipsdale. Otherwise, I would have thought that your grandfather hadn’t yet informed Fleur Villa and was waiting for me to come over and be humiliated!” 

Alisha sensed the chill that had crept into Finnegan’s voice, and her heart jolted slightly. “You are you planning to do?” 

Finnegan shrugged. “I’m a person who can’t stand being humiliated.” 

In the midst of their conversation, the two of them had already entered the living room. 

Jacqueline, who had entered before them, was sitting next to Jacques. The latter’s wounds had b bandaged, but he was confined to a wheelchair. 

“Jacques, Mr. Zester has already gone to examine Grandma. She will be fine. And I’ve already spe Alisha about your matter. Regardless of whether it’s the Miles or Haimowitz family, neither would getting off easily this time. They must hand Jaxon and his associates over.” 

Jacques, who lost two teeth after Zephyr stomped on his mouth, endured the pain and said, “There’s that kid. He was the one who told Jaxon and the others to beat me up. Otherwise, they would never ha the courage to dare lay a finger on me!” 

Jacqueline nodded. “Rest assured that not a single person who hurt you will get away!” 

Lifting her head, she happened to see Alisha and Finnegan walking in together. 

With a cold expression, she snapped, “Alisha, didn’t I ask you to bring me the culprits who hit my brother? Did you not understand me, or have you gone deaf?” 

“Ms. Zymons, I’m not your subordinate. Nor am I your housekeeper. You have no right to order me around. Besides, I came to bring someone here to treat Mdm. Yeatman, not to work for you!” Alisha 



“Bring someone here to treat my grandmother?” Jacqueline glanced over and saw only Finnegan standing next to Alisha. Her expression turned even colder. “Alisha, are you trying to tell me that this is the person you brought to treat my grandmother? If that’s the case, then hurry up and leave. Besides, I’ve already brought-” 

Before Jacqueline could finish her utterance, Jacques, who had finally turned his head around after much struggle, recognized Finnegan. 

He instantly grew emotional. 

He wanted to lift his hand but found himself unable to do so. 

All he could do was shout in a fit of rage, “Jacqueline, it was this kid who had Jaxon and the others beat me up!” 

When Jacqueline heard that, her eyes narrowed slightly. 

She abruptly rose to her feet, his gaze fixed intently on Finnegan. “I initially thought you were nothing more than Alisha’s dog. Unexpectedly, you are the culprit behind my brother’s injuries. This saves me from wasting my time looking for you to settle the score!” 

“Jacqueline, I brought Finnegan here to treat Mdm. Yeatman, not to be humiliated by you. Apologize to Finnegan immediately!” Alisha barked. 


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