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A Miracle Fault novel Chapter 77

Their grandfather was famous for being an overlord of the family. So this time, no matter what Arthur did, nothing would change.

"You..." Arthur was already upset. Not only did the two of them not comfort him, but they also teased him. He was so angry that he wore a sullen look.

He could not show his anger in Stefan's place, so he looked down, brooded over the subject, and stopped speaking.

On the contrary, Jaiden gloated next to him and could not help but add fuel to the fire again. He said, "Oh, feels bad. You haven't even had a taste of love and you're heading to the grave of love."

In the hall downstairs, the atmosphere became a bit strange between the three of them because of Arthur's marriage as they waited for Stefan to come down.

After sharing an intimate moment, Stefan, who was in a good mood, slowly got out of the elevator at this time.

He saw that Arthur, who was usually quiet and reserved, was angry. He rolled his wheelchair right toward Arthur and went to his side.

After taking a sip of the tea prepared by a servant, he asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Before Arthur, who was in a bad mood, had a chance to answer Stefan's question, Jaiden rushed to interject.

Jaiden, who was a nosy parker, said, "Arthur is forced to marry his betrothed by Mr. Roberts. She's the daughter of the Jones family. They even sent her to his villa in France. It's probably why he suddenly fled back here."

They knew Arthur's temper the best.

Although he liked to bluff, he was a good person at heart. He probably did not want to do anything cruel to Miss Jones, which was why he came a long way.

"Oh, you're just getting married. Why did you escape?" Hearing Jaiden's words, Stefan suddenly thought of him and Emmeline.

Then he could not help but smile gently.

He looked at Arthur with a smile and asked kindly, "Why? Does Miss Jones look so ugly that you needed to run away?"

"This isn't a question of whether she's ugly. It's that I've never met her before." Stefan's words were a surprise to Arthur that he no longer knew whom he could complain to.

In a serious tone, he lectured the three of them as they adopted a nonchalant attitude. "That something Jones… I've never met her before. I don't have any feelings for her. Wouldn't it be irresponsible of me for her and me if I married her like this?" As he spoke, Arthur gazed at Stefan and called for help with his eyes.

He said sadly and miserably, "Stefan, you know me best. If it were you, would you marry such a woman without any reason? Help me talk to my grandpa and ask him to break off the engagement. I remember that my grandpa likes you a lot. There's no way that I would marry that girl."

It was just that Stefan thought otherwise about Arthur's excitement.

He replied in the same calm manner, "If this were in the past, I would think you were right. But now..."

"I think you should get married first. After all, maybe you'll have feelings for each other and fall in love once you got married. Just like me and my wife, aren't we like that too?"

When he thought Emmeline was Anayah before, he also hated her a lot. But now he changed completely and liked her.

So, in fact, there were times when fate was still believable.

Asher was drinking tea and observing from a safe distance.

But he was surprised when he heard Stefan persuading Arthur to marry the daughter of the Jones family. This was out of character for Stefan.

Chapter 77 Her Life Would be Lost Sooner or Later 1


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