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A Miracle Fault novel Chapter 78

Frank was already cruel enough and did whatever he could to achieve his goals.

Now there was someone ten thousand times more ferocious than Frank — Stefan. None of them were people the Campbell family could afford to offend.

Lucia never saw Nicolas yell at her the way he did just now.

Seeing Nicolas, she was stunned for a moment. After realized what just happened, she yelled at Nicolas, "Nicolas, you bastard. Am I the only one at fault for the kind of person Anayah became? Are you not responsible? Anayah is between life and death, yet you are still talking about making her get a divorce."

"You are doing for your illegitimate daughter so she can rest assured that she's going to continue being the wife of the president of the Byrne Group? It's been so many years, yet you are still protecting that illegitimate daughter of yours?"

Lucia thought of when Nicolas brought Emmeline, the little bitch, into the house without her consent.

Although she tried her best to torture Emmeline over the years and felt a little better because of it, she still gritted her teeth with hatred whenever she saw Nicolas tirelessly protecting the little bitch, Emmeline.

So how could she agree when Nicolas now wanted to let Emmeline, the little bitch, become the wife of the president of the Byrne Group and collaborate with Stefan in forcing Anayah to get a divorce?

The wife of the president of the Byrne Group could only be Anayah. And Emmeline, the illegitimate daughter, was not even worthy of marrying a beggar!

"You...even now, you..." Lucia was still stubborn even now. Nicolas was furious because of her.

Before Nicolas said anything yet, the door of the operating room in front of them was suddenly pushed open.

A nurse walked out with a sullen look. She frowned and yelled at them, "This is a hospital. Get out if you guys want to quarrel! You guys! Your quarrel is affecting the doctor's performance. If something goes wrong, can you be held responsible?"

To be honest, the nurse had never seen a patient's family members arguing non-stop while the patient was undergoing an operation.

Rich people were so weird.

Shouldn't the patient's life be the most important at this time?

Nicolas and his wife suddenly stopped their heated argument and did not talk at all after being scolded by the nurse.

Nicolas, whose anger was hard to smother, turned his head to the side and stopped talking.

On the contrary, Lucia, who was very worried about Anayah, hurried over when the nurse came out. She looked at the nurse and asked, "Miss, how is my daughter? Is there anything wrong with her? You must save her. Please, make sure she's okay!"

Seeing Lucia, the nurse was still sullen after being drawn out by their noise.

In a cold tone, she replied, "Our doctor will try to help her stop the bleeding. Please keep quiet and stop making noises."

After speaking, the nurse looked as if she was not in the mood to talk to Lucia. She returned to the operating room right away and closed the door behind her.

After the nurse left, Lucia did not want their argument to affect Anayah's treatment.

So Lucia stared at Nicolas coldly and said, "You better pray that my Anayah is okay. If anything happens to my daughter, I'll have you and that little bitch buried alive with her!"

For so many years, Emmeline, the little bitch, hogged the position of the second daughter of the Campbell family.

She now attempted to hog Anayah's position as the wife of the president of the Byrne Group. She even harmed her Anayah that Anayah was between life and death.

Chapter 78 Upset that You Did Not See Me When You Woke Up? 1

Chapter 78 Upset that You Did Not See Me When You Woke Up? 2


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