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A Moment in Destiny novel Chapter 121

She felt her body stiffen up as his rough thumbs rubbed back and forth across her stiff back, like the most aphrodisiac caresses, causing the muscles in her back to relax quickly.

He opened his vermillion lips and his nimble tongue invaded her mouth. She couldn't adapt to this sudden intimacy and turned her face away to avoid him. William saw through her intention, then a hoarse laugh escaped from his throat suddenly, "Good girl, wait for me, I'm going to take a shower..."

A blush crept up Sherry's face instantly. That was not what she meant, it was just that he was so dirty and smelled rancid!

He gazed down at her in his arms, and at the bottom of his eyes, the kind of light that made her heart beat faster was flickering again. He suddenly spat out three words in a low, hoarse voice, "I love you!"

Her heart thumped wildly.

"I love you!" He repeated again, the raging flames in his eyes.

She stared at him, her mouth slightly open, but not saying a word. For a moment, they just stared at each other.

"You don't believe me?" he asked.

She immediately closed her eyes. "William, it's not that I don't trust you, I do. It's just that Miss Mclean is still sick right now, and I can't be with you without scruples…"

When she opened her eyes again, her eyes were filled with tears. She tried hard not to let the tears flow from her eyes; tried hard to look at him through the mist of tears; tried hard to keep a calm smile...but she failed at all of them. Her tears rolled down her face, and she couldn't see him clearly, and she couldn't smile.

"Sherry, look into my eyes and tell me what you see?"

She looked up, her heart trembling, her tears dispersing, her gaze crashing into his deep eyes where there was infinite depth of love. The chin of the man in front of her was covered with the weed-like beard. These days, his pain was no less than hers, and she finally choked back a sob. "William, you will send me to hell!"

He carried her upstairs, just as he did when they first made love. He wore a mask then, but this time, he showed his real face…Six years! How time flew, it had been six years!

"I have long since fallen from heaven to hell and risen from hell to heaven. In short, no matter what happens, I just want to be with you!"

Her heart! How could it not tremble?

How could it not beat with his words? This man was determined to send her to hell! What should she do? What was she supposed to do?

He carried her upstairs and put her on the bed.

"I'm going to take a shower, wait for me!" After saying that, he took off the clothes he hadn't changed in days and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Sherry listened to the sound of rushing water inside the bathroom, her heart was inexplicably sore and touched. At this moment, she really felt that even if she would go to hell, she would still accept it.

Fifteen minutes later, he came out again. He shaved off his beard, which made his face smooth, and his sculpted face was as handsome as a God Emperor.

He had a bath towel around his waist, droplets of water condensing on his naked chest and his wet hair dripping. He just came out with nothing on and stood in front of her, his tangled muscles full of tension and looking sexy…

Sherry's eyes couldn't help but move away, looking at him like this, she felt her face burning hot.

He walked over and wiped the water droplets with a towel. Then he suddenly said in a deep voice, "Sherry, I want to…"

"No!" she refused quickly.

"Ha-ha." His laughter sounded so low in her ears again.

She looked up in panic. How dared he laugh at her, how could he still laugh at such a moment?

He pounced on her like a wolf on a sheep and pinned her underneath him.

"Ah!" Sherry subconsciously protected her small abdomen, "Let go of me!"

"Sherry, I want…" He spurted out a breath that sent shivers down her spine.

She was pregnant and had to protect her child. On top of that, because of Lucille, she was so torn inside that she couldn't do this with him. So, she could only retreat instinctively.

He looked down at her, his smooth chin rubbing against her hand. His eyes were sparkling like flaming torches, and he just looked at her without saying another word.

"William, we can't!" she murmured.

Her heart couldn't calm down, and she didn't want to cast a shadow.

He was a little disappointed, but he still let go of her and turned to lie down on the bed, then pulled the blanket over them. He sulked under the blanket and his voice became hoarse, "Sherry, I really want…"

Since their last trip to Hokkaido, he hadn't had sex with her for over a month.

This was probably the difference between men and women.

Men wanted to have sex when they were stressed and when they were well fed and clothed, but not women! Sherry sighed and sulked.

"What's wrong with you today? Why did you park your car at the junction? Are you ashamed to have your car towed by the traffic police?" She threw back the blanket to look at him and found him looking at her with one hand on his chin, his eyes sparkling.

"I don't know..." He raised his eyebrows, how could he possibly have expected his car to be towed away. He just felt like he had a dream, but he never thought he would wake up in the office of the traffic police.

Then he laughed! Since he thought of her nervously running to him, being taken to the villa by him, after which she seemed to forgive him. Everything was getting better, and suddenly the farce of having his car towed seemed worth it to him!

But she was peeved and embarrassed, "You're still laughing!"


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