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A Moment in Destiny novel Chapter 135

Her hands were clenched tightly, her chest hurt so much as if she was going to cough up blood! It was on fire. The feeling was unspeakable as if resentment, pain and numbness had knotted together in the most horrible way.

“Sherry!” William grabbed her, not letting go.

“Let go of me!” she still smiled.

But her hands were cold, too cold, as if her bones were frozen.

William held her hands tightly, his eyes full of distress. He wanted to help warm her hands but realized that he couldn’t do it no matter how much he tried. Her hands were still cold, she felt extremely cold throughout the body.

Tears slipped quietly down the corners of his eyes, “Sherry, I am sorry!”

She still kept smiling, “It’s okay, everyone has a past. I really don’t mind it!”

The more she smiled, the more he felt uncertain and afraid that he was going to lose her. Her smile was so dazzling that he would rather she beat him, throw herself in his embrace and question him. But the more rational she behaved, the more scared he felt!

“Sherry, don’t scare me!” he murmured, his voice trembling with fear. His hear full of regret as his thumb caressed her bitten lip.

She sighed in her heart, still smiling beautifully. However, her smile didn’t reach her eyes. “No, I am not trying to scare you. You have brought me here long enough; I should go work!”

“I’ll take you.” He exhaled bitterly.

“No need!” she said extremely quickly, “I will take a taxi. Take care of Lucille.”

“Sherry, I’ll drive you there!” He insisted.

She didn’t refuse any longer, “Okay.”

She doesn’t speak in the car, and keeps her gaze out of the window.

Winter was here, leaves were falling off the trees everywhere and flying around on the street in the wind.

The corners of Sherry’s lips curled up which made the place that was just bitten hurt a lot.

William did not speak, fearing something would break if he spoke.

The car arrived at “Cohen Group”.

William suddenly reached out and hugged her.

Sherry felt something cold and wet on her neck. She looked up with a smile and got startled, “You… Why are you crying?”

William rubbed into her shoulder like a child, moistening and staining her sweater in coin sized spot with his tears. His sparkling eyes were still filled with tears, “I am sorry!”

She was still smiling, “Don’t say sorry, you did nothing wrong. I know all of that is the past!”

But there was a kind of memory that remains unforgettable forever. He was reluctant to lose those photos because he cherished an unforgettable love, right? And this kind of love, she was afraid, was going to rise up again at the first opportunity! Of course, she kept these thoughts in her heart and didn’t say them out loud.

Because she was struggling and conflicted, she didn’t know what to do, so she could only smile.

“Honey!” William held his breath, trying to hold back his tears, “Will you promise me?”

She looked at him questioningly.

“Promise me that you won’t think too much about those things. They are really just the past!” William stared at her with bated breath, “Promise me, okay?”

Sherry looked at him.

Her dark eyes were clear, her gaze on him was like a lake under the spring sun, calm and quiet.

After a long time, she smiled at him brightly, then she nodded and said, “Okay! I know that the past is just the past, it doesn’t mean anything now. Can I go now?”

“Yeah. I’ll pick you up after work.” He said, struggling internally.

Sherry got out of the car and walked straight to the “Cohen Group” building.

William watched her disappear at the door of the building before finally starting the car and driving away.

Sherry didn’t have the strength to press the elevator button. She took out her phone and called Keegan, “Keegan, I need a leave. I can’t go to work today.”

“Are you okay?” Keegan asked in concern.

“Yeah.” Sherry shook her head, “I’m fine! Keegan, do you know what is her ward number?”

Keegan was taken aback, but he told her Sierra’s address.

After hanging up the phone, Sherry walked out of the building. William’s car was no longer there. Good, he’s gone. She thought.

She walked towards the road.

In the taxi.

“Where to?” The driver asked. Even after several times of asking, Sherry didn’t respond because she didn’t seem to know where to go.

The driver looked at her through the rear-view mirror. She still remained silent.

Finally, she said, “Go to the hospital!”

Tears swirled around in her eyes and her heart hurt as if it was being cut with a knife.

The throbbing pain permeated throughout her body.

Everything came together, just like the time when she lost her father, Luke and Sammy all at the same time. She suddenly felt exhausted!

William’s car did not go too far. He drove out of the Cohen Group’s yard and stopped down the road. He wanted to wait for her to get off work to drive her home and to sincerely apologize to her. However, he saw her go in the building and then he saw her come out again and get into a taxi.

He got anxious. Where was she going? Didn’t she say she was going to work? He thought.


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