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A Moment in Destiny novel Chapter 156

The evil did not allow the baby to stay with Susan overnight.

Susan touched her tummy and turned to resent him, “Cohen, I hate you! Forever!”

Cohen unclenched his fists and said, “Ok.”

Keegan heard someone opening the door and ran downstairs to call Sherry soon. This time, he stood against his stepfather for the first time.

Sherry was shocked when answering the call, “Keegan, pardon?”

“Sherry, Mr. Sutton asked Ms. Gill to abort it.”

“Oh!” Sherry screamed, “How can he do it? Where are you? In the hospital? I am going there now! Please tell him not to do it! I will also call him now.”

“Sherry, they are having a talk. Ms. Gill refused it. But you don’t know Mr. Cohen well. It’s hard to change his mind. If he got to know I give you the call, he would…”

Sherry hung off the call nervously, “I am going to stop them! Please also help me!”

She turned back to see William and said, “Cohen asked Susan to terminate the baby. We have to stop them. Go quickly.”

“Um!” William was concerned about how Sherry was then; there was another day left for her. He said, “Sherry, don’t worry. I will go. You’d better stay here until the day after tomorrow.”

“No, William. I am ok now.” Sherry did not have so much break after giving birth to baby. She said, “Hurry up! We don’t have much time. If I were not going, he would ask Susan to do abortion for sure. William, the baby is my younger sister or brother; it’s my mate in the family!”

William nodded and watched Sherry with worry. It occurred to him that at that night, she lost Luke and wailed.

“Ok, I am getting your coat.” William got her coat to help her put it on and let her get into the car. “Put on your hat. Keep warm.”

Just then, Samuel and Daniel came to ask, “Mommy, where are you going?”

Sherry was getting into William’s car and said, “My dears, please stay with Gracie. Mommy has to do something now. Talk with you later.”

Daniel got an answer and said, “Mommy is going to have a date with your daddy?”

Samuel hoorayed; he turned back to see Daniel and said, “Hey Dan, don’t reject my daddy. He is my daddy as well as yours. If they get married, I will be so glad for not calling anyone else daddy.”

Samuel asked, “Would you like them to get married?”

“Sure!” Daniel nodded, “Sammy, could you please not let daddy down?”

“Yes. He made my mommy suffering too much. I will not be nice to him until I am satisfied.”

“But I think daddy loves mommy. He knew he is wrong.”


William drove his car in a high speed to G City; Sherry still urged him, “William, please be faster.”

William saw a police car chasing them and said, “Sherry, I am trying.” He believed later he would have to pay much fine for overspeed driving.

They did not care about it. They had to go to save a baby’s life.

William did not what to say, anyway he could not imagine Susan would give birth to such a younger baby for Sherry’s father.

Oh! The world really sucked!

In the hospital, the doctor did an ultrasound check-up to Susan and said, “Sir and Madam, the baby is very healthy to have strong heartbeat. It is three-month old. So, madam cannot have curettage and has to be done labor induction. Are you sure to terminate it? I am sorry if you decide. But both of you should keep it…”

Cohen was impatient to hear it, “Stop please!”

The doctor was surprised with his reaction.

“Well. Please go to the women’s clinic to pay.”

The doctor knew they determined to do it, not saying anything, but he felt it strange that they came to make it rush in the midnight.

Cohen kept silent and passed the slips to Keegan.

“Mr. Sutton…” Keegan tried to say something.

“Shut up!” Cohen stopped him.

Keegan had to go to pay and also hoped Sherry would be here soon.

Susan was too sorrowful and went blank. Cohen held her hands to the operation room of women’s clinic. The nurse led Susan, but Susan was stepping backwards to protect her baby.

“No, I won’t do it.” She shook her head hard and got rid of Cohen to run away. “No, no!”

The baby grew up in her body in the past one hundred days. Susan was too happy with it. So, she could not kill it!

The baby was all she expected in her remaining life. Susan lost her love or would not love anyone else. She had nothing left; why did Cohen still take the baby from her?

“Susan, stop!” Cohen ordered her in her back.

“Cohen, you can take my life, but you cannot take the baby! I need to keep it!” She shouted and cried out.

Cohen chased her to hold her wrist and carried her in his arms.

Susan started to kick him; on the quiet corridor of the hospital, she made much noise.


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