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A Moment in Destiny novel Chapter 177

William was surprised that Cohen Sutton would call him, he looked at the surrounding and found that he was still in the KTV. Liam and Leon were sleeping, he could just say softly, “Give her some time, let her think carefully, I will wait until she understands clearly! I will wait for her until she forgives me!”

“She will go to Hokkaido tomorrow!” Cohen told William the news.

“I will go to New York for a business trip!” He said and became surprised suddenly, “Thank you, Cohen, I know what should I do already!”

Sherry who walked out from the study room showed a pale face, she saw Sammy and Dan standing at the corridor. Two of them showed a worried expression.

Sherry felt the pain in her heart, she felt guilty for them. She walked quickly towards them and hugged them, “Sorry! Mommy is wrong! Mommy should not be so selfish! How can mommy go travelling without bringing both of you? How can mommy not concern your feelings?”

“Mommy, what’s wrong with you and Mr Big Dick?” Dan asked sadly.

“Mommy, you don’t want daddy anymore?” Sammy was sensitive, his voice was trembling and talked softly, “Mommy, does daddy make you angry? Why don’t you want daddy anymore? Daddy is so pitiful!”

“No! Mommy is bad!” Sherry shook her head, “It’s mommy’s fault!”

“Why does daddy not come anymore?” Sammy raised his head and saw Sherry crying. He wiped away her tears with his hand, “Mommy, why do you cry?”

Sherry could not describe her feeling now, how could she immerse herself in her grief and did not care about the children, “Sorry, sorry, mommy is too selfish! How can mommy think of myself only and always be depressed, forget that you will be sad too!”

Just then, Cohen walked in and saw Sherry hugging the two kids, he was touched, “Sherry, just forgive William for the sake of the children!”

Sherry turned her head and saw Cohen, “If you’re Clark, will you want me to be with him?”

Cohen sighed and nodded seriously, “I will! I think he wants her daughter lives blissfully just like me! If the man can make you happy, I think he will have the same thought with me, even if I die, I will be smiling! Even if the man who kills me can make my daughter happy, I still wish that my daughter can be together with him because he has the power to give my daughter happiness!”

Sherry was shocked, she felt a sense of sourness and touched. She stood up instantly and rushed in Cohen’s arms, muttered, “Dad…daddy…”

Cohen was stunned, he did not expect his daughter to call him “daddy” at the moment. Cohen was stagnated and his eyes reddened when he heard of the word. He hugged Sherry tightly, “Good girl, you’re my good girl…”

“Daddy, am I too selfish?” She asked, she was confused and struggling, “Will Clark’s father blame me?”

“He will not, he must be satisfied with the son-in-law!” Cohen patted Sherry’s back.

“Mommy, can we meet daddy now?” Sammy asked.

“Yes! Mommy will see him now, mommy will get daddy back for you!” She raised her head and wipes away her tears, “Daddy, I will see William now!”

“I follow mommy!” Sammy said hurriedly.

“No!” Dan shook his head and pulled Sammy, “Mommy has something to talk with your daddy, we do not disturb them. We will go after they make up!”

“Alright! Dan is so smart!” Cohen held his grandsons’ hands, “I will ask Keegan to send you there! No, I will ask William to come!”

“No! Daddy, I will see him by myself!” She ran out quickly.

Cohen looked at the time, it was 1.30 am! He sighed, ‘Was this how men and women in love tossed around day and night?’ When he lowered his head, he saw the two children were so tired that they could not open their eyes, “My sweet babies, go to sleep, don’t worry anymore!”

Keegan sent Sherry to No.15 Villa.

“Will he be here?” Keegan asked.

“I will call him, Keegan, you can go back! Thank you!” Sherry said sincerely.

“You’re welcome, quickly go in, I will leave after you go in!”

“Ok!” Sherry nodded and ran into the villa quickly. Keegan then left and shook his head, looked at the star in the sky. He felt lonely again that night!


The house was dark, Sherry looked at the familiar place with unstable emotion, this was the place she first met him, he wore a fox mask. He had a pair of sharp sights at the moment, she remembered that his sights were scary.

However, later, there was only affectionateness in his eyes when he looked at her! But she always seemed to escape, they had experienced so much, so much! Why did she not believe her? She was so stupid! So guilty!

In the familiar house, Sherry could not hold back her tears, she walked slowly up the stairs. The sweetest memory between her and William could be found there.

When she walked up the stairs, the bell rang.

She was shocked, she stood at the stairs and looked at the door timidly. After the key was inserted, the door opened, a tall silhouette appeared at the door.

He saw the light in the villa was on, he thought that he was dreaming. He could not believe that. No one had the key except the part-time cleaner and Sherry.

He hoped that it was true but he did not believe it. His heart trembled, he was afraid that the person was not Sherry. His heart beat fast when he saw the person standing at the stairs after he opened the door.

Sherry’s eyes were reddened, her tears were falling. She looked at him, he gazed at her. His silhouette was so tall, his black eyes were deep, his sights seemed to stare at her like the stars in the dark night.

She bit her lips, her voice was trembling, “You’re back!”


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