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A Moment in Destiny novel Chapter 27

“Uncle, it's very tough on my mommy. My mommy needs to sell these before she can go home and I love my mommy and I want to help her sell these. Please buy one, uncle!" Dan saw that William wasn't buying and tried a different tactic.


"What about your daddy?’ William asked. Could his father allow his mother to bring a child out to sell condoms?


"Uncle, please leave if you don't want to buy. Why are you asking about my daddy?" Daniel was sad because he never had a daddy. He already accepted that not everyone had a daddy!


William's heart inexplicably ached when he saw Dan drooping his head.


“All these, I'll take it all! How much are they?"


"Really? You're a good man, uncle! You're a hero, ten thousand yuan!" Daniel remembered what mommy said.


William took out his wallet. He started to carry a wallet after he was yelled at by Sherry the other day. He took out twenty thousand yuan and gave it to Daniel.


“I'll give you twenty thousand yuan. Don't sell these anymore. A kid should concentrate on his studies!" He was at the age when he should be pampered by his parents.


"I don't want so much! Just ten thousand will do!” Daniel returned half of the money to him, "Uncle, take the entire box!”


After that, he took the money to look for Sherry!


William's mind was once again filled with that woman's face as he saw the small boy walking away. He became frustrated and threw that box of condoms into the boot of the Bugatti...


"Mommy! I've sold the goods! We can go home now!"


Sherry was stunned and only when Daniel gave her the money did she come to her senses, "Oh lord! Dan, how did you...


“An uncle came and bought all of them. He was the same uncle who I met on the airplane! So that uncle isn't a bad person after all! He gave me twenty thousand yuan but since mommy said that ten thousand was enough, so I sold it for ten thousand yuan!" The tiny boy explained, "I know not to take advantage of others!”


"What!" Sherry was very conflicted inside her. She looked at her son's small face and tears began to well up in her eyes. She was thinking about whether she was wrong to do this!


“Mommy? What's wrong?"


She was really wrong to do this! She shouldn't be selling this type of thing. Dan was only five years old. How could she have her five year old son sell condoms together with her?


This child was already very pitiful. He was abandoned since young by his parents and almost froze to death by the lake. If she didn't attempt suicide that day, Dan would have frozen to death! God, she was horrible.


"Dan, mommy will not sell these anymore! Let's go home!" Sherry returned the goods in her hands and held onto Dan's hand, 


"Mommy will take you shopping and buy clothes with the money that Dan earned!"


“Mommy! It's fine that we don't sell these. I will take care of you!" Dan patted his chest, “I guarantee that I'll be able to take care of mommy!"


“Mommy believes that Dan can take care of Mommy but now you are too young and must learn from your teacher. You can take care of me when you grow up!”


“Mommy, don't worry, the electronic games that Celia bought for me, I had already hacked them. Later I will program my own games and we'll be rich when I sell them!"


“Good boy! Mommy doesn't want you to earn money. I just want you to be happy!” She had placed all her hopes on him. She had already lost all her kin and now the heavens gave her a son. How can she not cherish this gift?


The two of them held hands and left the shop and Dan pointed to the car which just drove off and said, "Mommy, look, it was that car! What a beautiful car! That uncle bought all the condoms! Do you think that he'll play with them as balloons like my classmate Mason if he can't finish them?"


Sherry looked in the direction where Dan pointed and saw a blue Bugatti. She frowned and wondered if she had seen Mr. Rowland's car. She shook her head and decided that she must be mistaken. Why would Mr. Rowland buy these things?


She had a wonderful weekend and didn't receive any harassing telephone calls...




Sherry was uneasy when she arrived at the office. After all, she didn't go to the airport to receive Mr. Rowland and wondered if he will be angry.


"Dearest Sherry, why are you in a daze?" Liam said loudly.


"Good morning, Mr. Brooks!" Sherry greeted politely as she glanced at his back, "Has Mr. Rowland arrived?”


The telephone rang at this moment. Sherry was startled and answered the call.


“A cup of coffee please!” The deep voice like an announcer came over the phone and Sherry was dumbfounded that Mr. Rowland had arrived so early.


“Er! He's already here! Go quickly and send a cup to me as well”


"Yes!" Sherry made the coffee and sent it to the director's office.


She entered after knocking on the door and saw the man behind his table smoking with his head lowered. The smoke-filled room was choking and Sherry guessed that he must have arrived for a while as there were numerous cigarette butts.


"Mr. Rowland, coffee!” Sherry placed the coffee on the table.


She was about to leave when he suddenly said, “Why didn't you go to the airport?”


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