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A Moment in Destiny novel Chapter 31



“Will you leave him?" His hand around her waist tightened and she immediately yelled.


“Leave! Will that do?”


It looked like he had achieved his goals with her in his arms. But he didn't want just a kiss...


Sherry continued to cuss him in her heart: Pervert! Pervert!


William stopped his actions suddenly and looked at her and demanded proudly, “Okay, go out and tell your boyfriend that you want to break off with him!"


".. Sherry immediately nodded when she heard him, "Okay, release me now!"


William finally released her, gently leaned over, and kissed the back of her hand. At this moment, he returned to his gentlemanly persona.


Sherry ran out of the restroom as soon as she regained her freedom. She didn't return to the restaurant but ran downstairs instead.


William couldn't find Sherry when he exited the restroom.


"Celia, I suddenly received a call to go back to work. Have your dinner with Dan and I'll leave first!” Sherry ran as she called Celia.


“Will! Sit over here!" Liam called out to William as he walked over.


Where they were sitting was next to Celia and Sherry's table. Dan was eating and then saw the uncle walking over and immediately frowned. His eyes blinked and then lit up in excitement.


William was looking all over for Sherry but couldn't find her. Where did she go?


“Dan, eat your dinner, your mommy had gone back to work. It's only us now: Celia said after putting down the phone.


"Mr. Big Dick!" Dan jumped off his chair and ran towards William.


The sudden appearance of a little boy startled several people.


Liam looked over and saw a kid blocking William and started to look curiously.


"Mr. Big Dick, why are you here?” Dan immediately smiled and asked affectionately when he saw William.


William looked down and grinned warmly when he saw the kid, "What about you? Why are you here?"


"Mr. Big Dick?" Liam almost spit out his coffee, "What's a big dick?"


Dan turned and looked at Liam, "Beautiful Uncle, a big dick is the little wee wee, the wee wee we use to pee pee! Don't you know this? How dumb oh!”


“Ha ha ha...” Suddenly a burst of laughter erupted and Liam actually spit out his coffee! "Sorry, so sorry, I didn't do it on purpose!"


“Liam, get a grip!" Susan was almost spit upon by him. But she was also struggling not to laugh and looked at William and the kid.


God, this kid was so adorable. Kids say the cutest things. Susan looked at Dan, and after she laughed, strange loneliness crept into her beautiful eyes. She saw William's rapidly changing expressions when he looked at that little kid.


“What are you doing, Dan?" Celia immediately ran over and apologized when she heard the conversation. She couldn't believe that Dan would say such alarming things, "Mister, I'm sorry, he's just a kid”


"Uncle, have you finished all the condoms that you bought?" The soft and tender voice said abruptly and melodiously.


William's expression froze. This kid really knew how to shock people with his words!


“Condom? What condom?" Liam was puzzled.


“Don't say anymore!" William stopped him.


But Dan persisted and said to Liam loudly, "Beautiful uncle, you're really dumb. Haven't you used a condom before? It's the one that you use when you sleep with a beautiful woman! My classmate Mason said that if the condom is not used, then a baby boy will come out of the woman!"


“Oh God!" Celia started to blush. “Mister, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!”


"Uncle, does it mean that you don't want a baby since you bought so many condoms?" Dan said again.


William's eyes narrowed and walked forward to carry Dan, "Kid, uncle's shiny reputation has been ruined by you!"


“Ah! Will, that's right! This is the kid. His eyes look so much like you!" Leon came at this moment.


"Yeah! Yes, they really look very similar!" Liam looked over and also found that Dan resembled William! About thirty to forty percent!


"But this nose, how come the nose looks like me?" Liam frowned and pondered as he asked.


“Excuse me!” William ignored Liam and wanted to have a good chat with the kid.


“Hey! Put down the kid!" Celia became upset.


"Celia, it's okay, he’s my classmate. Don't worry, he's not a kidnapper’ Leon explained.


Liam and Susan looked at the two of them and laughed, "This kid has driven Will to his wits’ end!"


"Kids say the cutest things!"


“Yeah! What a beautiful kid. He even has Will's eyes and my nose, heh heh heh...” Liam wasn't bothered and chuckled while he said to Leon.


"Uncle, are you worried that other people know that you bought condoms?" Dan cupped his mouth and asked.



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