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A Relentless Pursuit for Love novel Chapter 204

Chapter 204

Yeva accidentally slipped out a chuckle at the sight of Zane’s ridiculous and pathetic behavior. Finally getting himself off the floor, Zane seethed in pain as his fury sprung to life. “You brat, get the hell over here! How dare you hit your mom!” “She is not my mom, my mom is already dead!” Leah shouted at the top of her lungs. Zane froze. He was shocked that his daughter who had always listened well to him was actually yelling at him. “You…you’ve finally lost it, haven’t you?” With her eyes red-rimmed, Leah who was standing behind Sage walked up to them. “Is it me who’s gone mad or are you guys the ones?” “Dad, Gwyneth is not my mom. My mom is Ryleigh Tessa, do you even remember her name? Or how she looks? Do you even remember how she ended up dead?” At the sight of Zane flinching and backing away flusteredly, Leah chuckled softly but her laugh was filled with sarcasm and scorn. “You don’t remember any of it, do you? Well, I would’ve

guessed so. Seeing how you haven’t been really alone for the past few years, changing your partner every other month like changing your clothes. That woman, Gwyneth Holst, just because she gave you a son, you’re giving her everything she asks for and is circling your life around her. You must have forgotten that she is the one who forced my mom to death!” “What are you talking about?” Zane’s pupils shook as he went on, “Your mom killed herself! What does Gwyneth have to do with her death?” Leah’s expression hardened. “You are still protecting that woman, aren’t you?!” “You made my mom’s life a living hell ever since she got married to you. She didn’t care when you partied outside all night long but you crossed the line when you took that witch back to our place!”

Her eyes filled with resentment and contempt, Leah seethed, “You hired her as your secretary, allowing her to walk in and out of our house as she pleases. Mom only started getting sick because that woman kept appearing in front of us!” “Don’t be ridiculous! What nonsense is this!” Zane denied bluntly, “Your mom got diagnosed with cancer because of her family history. She simply got unlucky! What does this have to do with me?!”


“If it weren’t for you and Gwyneth provoking and triggering her every other day, her sickness wouldn’t have worsened that quickly. Tell me the truth now, you desperately wanted her to die faster so that you can marry that witch, didn’t you?!” Leah felt a wrenching pain in her chest as tears ran down her cheeks uncontrollably.

She felt bad for her mother.


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