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A Relentless Pursuit for Love novel Chapter 342

Chapter 342 

Salem City’s airport was crowded with reporters and fans.

Some confused passersby asked, “What’s with the big crowd? Is it a top star? Are they shooting a movie here? But I don’t see anyone from the production team.”

After asking around, it was only then they found out that the raging fans were here to demand an answer and explanation from Sage, the CEO of Norah Entertainment, who changed Dean’s role in a movie.

The passerby could only shake his head and murmured, “These people have got nothing else better to do.”

Dean’s fans were able to get their hands on Sage’s schedule. They found out that her private jet would arrive at Salem City today, hence they waited at the airport the first thing in the morning. They looked as if they were determined to get an explanation from Sage today.

Some of the fans got frustrated and impatient. “She should be here any time now, but where is she? Could it be that she got away?”

“Impossible! We have people blocking all of the exits, there’s no way that she could get away. We’d be able to notice her and her team right away!”.

Someone from the crowd asked, “What if they have scattered out their team? Who here recognizes Sage Norah?”

There was silence in the crowd

They suddenly realized that none of them saw Sage Norah and they didn’t even have a picture of her. So how were they supposed to identify her?

“I heard that she would have a team of assistants and bodyguards with her wherever she goes. She’s also young and gorgeous. I’m sure we’ll be able to spot her easily.”

The fans were determined.

There was a sudden uproar in the crowd. “Goodness gracious! Isn’t that Seth Hector and Suki West? I can’t believe that we get to meet the best actor and best actress at the same time! I have to take their pictures!”

Within a minute, the crowd switched their attention to Seth and Suki and started making their way toward the both. Even the reporters turned their attention to Seth and Suki.

Even though Dean was famous, his fame was still weaker compared to both Seth and Suki. Getting pictures of Seth and Suki in the same frame would boost the ratings of their news,


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