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A Relentless Pursuit for Love novel Chapter 666

Chapter 666

By the time Tim returned back to Meadow Castle, it was already evening. “Tim…” Sage went running downstairs to welcome him. Other than feeling a coldness from her brother’s body, she also smelled some bloody odor. She looked at Tim’s eyes and saw his blue pupils glowing with coldness, as cold as the ice cone formed on the winter day, so sharp that it could pierce into a person’s heart. The corners of his eyes were full of blood veins that stained them red. 

At that time, her throat felt stuck, and all those questions she wanted to ask vanished into thin air. She could only embrace him into her arms silently. No matter the outcome, the interrogating process with Madam Meyer was torturing Tim like a knife slicing off the old wound on his body until the bone was seen. “I’m fine.” With a hoarse voice, Tim let go of his sister and said, “Let’s go up.” Sage nodded lightly. Tim went to take a shower in the bathroom after entering his room. Sage went to the kitchen to make a cup of hot chocolate to keep Tim warm. There was no more blood odor when Tim finished with his shower. He put on a set of loungewear and returned back to his usual noble and elegant gentleman’s image. “Here, drink this.” Tim smelled the sweet hot chocolate and could not help frowning. “I don’t want this. I rather drink alcohol.” 

Just when he wanted to go to the shelf to take his alcohol, Sage grabbed him. 

“No! You can catch the flu easily, especially after being in the rain. Drinking hot chocolate is the best remedy. No alcohol is allowed. This is Zamora’s method, and it works. If you have any objection, I could give her a call, and you can ask her yourself,” Sage said. Tim had no choice but to give in after thinking about how Zamora would nag him. He chugged the hot chocolate unwillingly. 

Sage was very satisfied with him. “Good job.” A frown appeared on Tim’s face as he finished the hot chocolate. Sage passed a glass of water, and he immediately accepted it. His stomach did feel much warmer, and his body temperature increased a little 

Sage examined Tim’s expression. She knew she would not count on him to disclose the information to her volunteering, so she started the conversation, “How was it? Did you find out anything?” 

Tim held the glass in his slender hand. His fingertips turned white, and he responded lightly. He omitted the interrogating process because he did not wish to let her know. “She admitted that she was an accomplice that assisted in murdering Cece.” His voice was bitter and smoky as he had trouble uttering Cece’s name. His adam apple moved up and down. 

Sage narrowed her eyes and asked, “Who was the mastermind?” 


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