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A Relentless Pursuit for Love novel Chapter 711

Chapter 711 [Ill do it, but my boss wont give me any holidays for my marriage] replied Seth. [Fine, go take your holiday] replied Sage. That very afternoon, Seth announced that he was getting married to Sharon. The public also crowned Sage as the best boss of the entertainment Industry

After all, considering how volatile the entertainment industry is, not every boss would be so open to their artist being in such a highprofile relationship, much less spurring their artist on in the public

After Seth announced his engagement, the whole crowd got together to celebrate the occasion. Almost everybody who could make it was there, even Laura was there

Sage whipped up a feast for her brothers and everybody talked over good food and wine. Sage, look at how fast your followers are growing. If this trend continues, we might as well market you as a celebrity,said Luther

Sage took a sip from her glass and said, If I became a celebrity, there wouldnt be any job for the other celebs.” 

Sharon nodded in agreement, Shes right, Im even thinking of an early retirement because of her.” 

Seth passed the salad to Sharon, both of them are currently in the process of a shoot, and they have to control their diet, even when they are surrounded by a spread of good food, they can only eat the greens. Theres no need to retire, even if Sage becomes an actress, she would only play psychopaths. and serial killers, she wouldn‘t be any competition to you,replied Seth. I also want to play psychopaths and killers,said Sharon

Laura could not help but laugh, Maybe both of you can play a pair of psychopath sisters, the kind that tries to kill each other. That way both of you can flex your acting chops together.” 

Kane quickly stuffed Lauras mouth with food and said, Theres no need for your bad advice. Nobody is so sick to enjoy a movie like that.” 

Im sure people nowadays are all about female empowerment. A movie with two female leads would sell,said Leah

Hunter also made sure that Leahs plate was filled with greens as he said, The only complication would be scheduling the shoot. I think it might just work, after all, our sister only needs to play herself.” 

Everybody laughed at Hunters joke

Sage threw a banana at Hunter, but he caught it midair and smiled at her

If you are interested, Im sure I can work something out, even if your acting is total shit

people would still pay to see you on the big screen. I heard that Lincoln already had a script for a similar project, all Id have to do is alter it a bit to fit both of you,proposed Seth. Altered by you?asked Sharon. I dont see a problem,replied Setli, confidently


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