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A Relentless Pursuit for Love novel Chapter 722

Chapter 722 The Yuriel family called for a family meeting and requested every family member to attend. Henry and Zachary took the first stand and talked about their experiences in Salem City for the last two days they were there. They even mentioned the attitude Mister Wayne had about continuing on being in charge of the Forget Me Not project

Obviously, Grandpa Wayne was still mad about it. But I asked Grandpa Mendoza and he said he used all kinds of methods to get him to agree. I think theres still hope.Henry built up everyones confidence with the last statement

Zachary replied, Theres something I must reiterate. Rosa Garden is really very beautiful and she is rich. She doesnt even care about the small amount of money from our house.” 

He said excitingly and tilted his head in Flynn and Felipes direction, So, we should not gauge the heart of a gentleman with ones own mean measure.” 

Flynn and Felipes faces turned green and they both spoke in unison, What do you mean by that?” 

Felipes irritation flared and she rushed up to kick her son in the knee. Zachary quickly ran to his grandmother to seek protection, I wasnt talking about both of you. Why are you acting like this?” 

I dare you to repeat it again!Felipe ran over there wanting to slap his son. Grandma Yuriel stopped him, Thats enough. Stop it. Didnt you and Flynn go to Salem City as well? Tell us what happened.” 

At that moment, Flynn and Felipe suddenly weakened. Both of them furrowed their brows and told their side of the story and what Sage had told them

Everyone turned silent after hearing it

Freya refuted, I have it to give it the both of you. Why didn‘t Sage just throw the both of you out of the house?” 

Flynn and Felipe lifted their head and looked at Freya, Freya, its fine if you didnt want to help us. But why do you need to be so sarcastic about it?” 

With a sunken face, Freya said, What do you expect when you screw things up? Should we compliment you? How have you two been living for the past few years? Do you guys even use your brain to think?” 

Despite feeling embarrassed, they were used to such a scolding from Freya since she had nagged them like this ever since they were small. On the contrary, Henry, Zachary, and the rest of the kids were cheering in their hearts, Good job! Well done! Excellent! Keep going!‘ 

Faye went over and stroked Freyas back to comfort her, Aunt Freya, dont get mad. Its been a done deal so we should just find a solution to solve it. If Sage refuses, what other options do think well have?” 

Everyone was clueless and helpless as they looked at Grandpa Yuriel. He thought for a while 

with his eyes shut. He exhaled heavily, That being the case, I dont have any other options 


He made up his mind and raised his head, Im going to Salem City tomorrow. Im bringing Riley together with me this time.Riley?” Everyone focused their attention on Riley

Riley, who had been sitting in the corner and kept shut this whole time, was dumbfounded

Flynn did not understand why, Why do you want to bring Riley? He knows nothing else other than to play chess.Riley nodded his head foolishly with a pair of pure and yet silly eyes


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