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A Relentless Pursuit for Love novel Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Sage had finished inspecting every department of the Norah Group before lunch.

The Group had initially started as jewelers and had featured only the most luxurious, high-end brands. Later, Sawyer Norah, Sage’s father and founder of the group, had started venturing into other industries such as hospitality, racing, antiquary, film production, and housing estates. The Norah Group had once monopolized the businesses in Salem City with Norah Jewel being the world’s largest diamond trading business, and their mines supplied many international industries. At that time, Norah Group was at its peak.

While Salem City had the Norah Group, Nadeem City had the Yuriel Group. Both companies had only focused on expanding their business in their own city and had never crossed each other’s territory.

The employees were all pretending to work as they stole glances at their new CEO.

“Damn, Director Sage is so gorgeous!”

Sage’s outfit today was rather different compared with the one she wore yesterday. Today, she wore a navy blue suit that hugged her figure and accentuated her fine figure. She looked elegant yet charismatic.

One of the employees could not help herself and secretly took a picture of Sage and posted it online with the comment:

[Look at our new CEO! Isn’t she gorgeous and charismatic?]

The employee was an influencer with almost two hundred thousand followers across her social media platforms. Her post about Sage had gained hundreds and thousands of likes, comments, and shares.

The comment section was flooded with praises.

[Wow, I can’t believe this! Her figure and charisma are totally comparable to those of female celebrities!]

[I’m so jealous that you get to work with such a gorgeous female CEO!]

[I think I have a girl crush on her.]

[I have made up my mind to apply for a job at the Norah Group tomorrow!]

Sage took off her high heels the moment she entered her office and changed into a pair of sandals. Finn, the vice CEO, followed her into the room and closed the door behind him. He chuckled when he saw Sage changing into the sandals and said, “Your feet must be killing you after all the walking, huh?”

“It’s been a long time since I wore heels.”

Sage sighed softly and added, “I was only gone for three years, and the company is already in such a big mess. The departments are a mess, and the employees have been slacking off. Tell me, is there anyone who actually works hard?”

Finn fished out a bottle of ointment from the first-aid kit. He crouched in front of Sage and began applying the slave to the blisters on her feet. His touch was especially gentle and soft.

“It’s all because of Braxton. He came up with a system that pitted the departments against one another. He does not care about the employees’ KPI, and of course, no one is willing to put in hard work as there is nothing in it for them.”

A chuckle slipped out of Sageas she said, “Uncle Braxton only has experience working in state-run companies. I’m guessing that he applied that experience to this company. This was the exact reason why my dad did not include him in the expansion of this company.”

Her dad had not wanted to exclude his brother, however, he had no choice as his brother was a stubborn and difficult man to deal with.

Finn tried to dry the ointment by blowing on her toes. His breath made her curl them. Sage furrowed her brows as she retracted her legs and said, “It’s ticklish, leave it. It’ll dry on its own.”

She had a slender and delicate foot, but her toes were plump. For some reason, Finn found them cute. With a warm smile, Finn looked at her and said, “I’m glad that you’re back.”

Sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed, Sage complained, “I’ve returned only to clean up their mess. It’s not a good thing for me.”

“I’m sure you’ll be able to manage this.”

Finn’s eyes were filled with determination. He was like a soldier on a battlefield who had found his commander. Now that he had his commander next to him, Finn was ready to get back into the fray.


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