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A Trust-fund Baby novel Chapter 11

Sally was riled up as Judson ignored her. She said to the shop assistant, “Sweetie, you’d better go through them carefully in case he plays dirty tricks. He is too poor to afford all these fancy clothes. Only one pair of shoes can cost at least hundreds of dollars, not to mention the expensive ones. Trust me, he’s just a poor guy. Call the security, or he’ll take them away leaving the bill for you to pay.”

Judson didn’t bother to argue with Sally, and he sneered, “Yep, you’ve got me. My VIP bank card is fake as there’s nothing on my account. And I can’t afford the clothes as I just pretend to be filthy rich. The pretty young lady and I are both poor guys. Really.”

The pretty assistant leveled Sally with a hard look and smiled at her. “Hehe, madam, his VIP card is not fake as there are only 100 VIP cards issued by CitiBank in N City. The card’s minimum deposit is 1.5 million dollars. If you don’t believe what I say, you could google it or call the customer service of CitiBank.”

Then the shop assistant slid the card into the POS machine and pointed at the screen, saying to Sally, “See, 82,476 dollars. It’s not a fake VIP bank card.”

Shocked to death, Sally’s jaw dropped as she never imagined that Judson could have so much money.

Judson got his card from the assistant and looked at astounded Sally. “Well, it turns out my card is a real VIP card which has money in it. Oops! I picked it up by accident. Call the security and catch me as I may have stolen it from others. Just call them, and I’ll be waiting for you.”

“You, you, you…you’re a son of the bitch. You hear me.” Sally angrily trembled as she pointed at Judson.

Judson reveled in her exasperation. He grabbed a pen and wrote down his address on o piece of paper, then he gave it to the assistant. “Please send the clothes to this place, thank you.”

“No problem, sir. I’ll deliver them by myself.” The assistant was over the moon as she’s got a rich customer today, who brought about a great bonus for her. Moreover, if she could butter him up, he might introduce more wealthy customers to her.

Judson nodded with a smile. “Thanks…”

Then he grabbed Sophia’s hand and said, “My Angel, let’s take a ride.”


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