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A Trust-fund Baby novel Chapter 31

On Monday morning, as soon as Judson just arrived at the company, he received Jessica's WeChat message, "Hahaha, Uncle, I'm becoming a regular employee, a regular one. I'm so happy. Uncle, you're so great. You said I would become a regular employee this week. And what you said came true. Hehehe, what do you want to eat? Order whatever you want… "

Judson laughed and shook his head, wondering how the girl would be so happy about becoming a regular employee. It was just simple for him. But it was very important to Jessica.

Judson burst out laughing and said back, "Order whatever I want? Hmm, I'd like a lobster, abalone, and a steak… ”

Jessica sent a bunch of pitiful emojis over, "Well, Uncle, I can't afford to pay them… "

Judson replied, "Haha. Then, dunked dumplings?”


In the next few days, Jessica chatted with Judson every day on WeChat. Judson's mood also gradually improved. This time, after Jessica got acquainted with him, she no longer called him uncle. Instead, she called him brother...

Jessica was a very lively little girl and Judson was willing to talk to her. Whenever he was with her, he was relaxed and not so depressed.

Ever since Jessica knew what was on Judson's mind, she used all kinds of ways to make him happy. Every day, she bounced around in front of him.

Jessica ran up to Judson like a little rabbit in the sunshine and asked with her mouth pouted, "Brother, do you think I am cute?"

Jessica, who was addicted to TikTok, asked Judson to film with her, "Hey, Brother, why don't you take a TikTok video for me? Let's make a series of "Don't Know”. Don't you understand? It's just that I walk in front and you pretend to flirt with me in the back and ask me for a WeChat account or something. And then I refuse you. What do you think?"

Jessica, who wanted to go to a nightclub, said to Judson cutely, "Brother, I want to go to a nightclub! I'm an adult! I'm about to graduate from college. Please take me with you. Please? No? Then, I will beg again."


As Judson got along with her, he felt that his head ached. Over these days, he had been walking around with Jessica. He either accompanied her to go shopping, or took her to nightclubs, or filmed TikTok videos for her...

There were times when Judson wondered how many unreliable thoughts were in Jessica's head.

Jessica was smiling most of the time. But she cried sometimes. For example, when she took Judson to see a film named "The Girl We Chased Together Those Years'', she was teary-eyed. Tears flew down from her two big laughing eyes and dropped into a large bucket of popcorn she was holding in her hand.

Then she cried while eating the popcorn stained with tears...

She was still crying after she left the movie theater. Then all the people around her looked at her very strangely. Judson felt awkward and dragged her out.

Judson said to her speechlessly, "That's a movie! Don’t be so serious, okay?"

“I know it's a movie. But I just can't help but cry… Popcorn is so delicious... "

Judson fiercely slapped his forehead, feeling helpless. Jessica was so quirky. The previous second, she was sad and crying. The next second, she was fiercely enjoying popcorn…

Judson only saw Jessica crying this time. And he couldn't help but think to himself that she was a child after all. Moreover, she was also open-minded and wasn’t afraid of being abducted by him.


It was another Friday night. And Judson and Jessica went to the same restaurant last time for dinner.

It was just that Jessica’s face was not good this time. It seemed that there was something on her mind. And she barely talked. When Judson asked her what had happened, she was silent and stared at a group of girls who were celebrating the birthday in a private room across them in a daze...

It was eleven o'clock at night after Jessica returned to the university dormitory after drinking with Judson. She had been in a daze on her way back. She was the same even after going back to the university dorm.

As soon as Jessica lay down, her roommate next to her, Taylor, asked her excitedly, "Jessica, it is your birthday tomorrow. What are you going to do?"

Jessica's heart was pounding. And she was somewhat evasive, "Well, I won’t celebrate it… "

Taylor sat up straight away, "How does that work? You haven't had a birthday celebration in the last three years. Don't worry. You don't have to worry about it. I'll do it for you… "

Taylor knew what was on Jessica's mind. And she also knew the situation in her family.

"It happens to be Saturday tomorrow. We don't even have to go to the internship. We’d better get together for dinner tomorrow and then go singing in the evening… I'm going to contact the people for you and I definitely will make arrangements for you…" Taylor excitedly went to play with her phone...

Jessica quickly asked anxiously, "Hey, you didn't inform Bruce, did you?" Bruce was the guy she always liked who had dated other girls in college.

Taylor asked in confusion, "I informed him the first. Don't you and he get along well? You were classmates at high school… What's wrong?"

Jessica hurriedly waved her hand and said, "It's fine. It's fine… "

Jessica turned sideways with her back to the wall, feeling somewhat sore and endlessly bitter in her heart.

Bruce probably would show up with that girlfriend of his tomorrow...

Jessica, who was lying on the bed tossing and turning and couldn't sleep, took out her phone and sent a WeChat message to Judson, "Brother, it is my birthday tomorrow. Can you come… "

At this moment, in the top office of the SKY Group, Judson, who was still working overtime, saw Jessica's WeChat message and finally understood why she was always looking enviously at the group of people who were celebrating their birthdays tonight.

This girl, Jessica, was completely silly and good. She was also Judson’s first friend in SKY City. Thinking of this, he replied to Jessica, "How about this? Since your birthday is tomorrow, then I, as your brother, will make good arrangements for you for once. Don't make arrangements with your friend. I'll arrange everything for you… "

Jessica replied, "But I can't let you pay… "

Judson sent two angry emojis over, "What? Don't you treat me like a brother anymore?"


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