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A Trust-fund Baby novel Chapter 41

Judson didn't return to the company. In fact, he always felt he was strong. However, when he met Diana Shaw again, he found that he was not as strong as he thought. He didn’t sleep from last night to now and his mood was very unstable. At this moment, Judson was exhausted physically and mentally.

Jessica Davis called a car and took Judson back to the suburban villa. Jessica sat in copilot seat while Judson sat in the back row alone. He stared at the retrogressive scenery outside the window in a daze.

A sentence emerged in Judson’s mind - ‘In our life, we should choose someone we loved or someone who loved you to spend the rest of our life.’ It seemed that he and Diana were destined to be together and they always tortured each other.

After arriving at the villa, Judson sat on the sofa and continued to be in a daze. His eyesight was glassy. Others didn't know what he was thinking. What’s more, he also didn't know what he was thinking. His mind was blank.

“Brother, I help you take some warm water. Have a drink..." Jessica felt distressed for Judson. She went to the kitchen to boil water. When she the water was boiled and brought the cup to Judson, she found that Judson was already asleep on the sofa…

Jessica looked at Judson, who was extremely exhausted and could fall asleep while sitting. Her tears flowed down immediately. She put the glass on the table and gently put Judson down. Then she took a blanket from the bedroom and put it on Judson...

“Brother, I will be with you..." After Jessica covered Lin Hao with a blanket, she knelt and sat beside Judson. She gently put her head on Judson's chest and took his hand. Then she closed her eyes and fell asleep…

Diana returned to the hotel in despair. After seeing Diana’s condition, Sally Shaw didn't dare to ask anything. Sally silently exited the door and walked out... She didn't need to ask when she saw Diana, because she already knew what had happened. It must be that Diana failed to reach agreement with Judson…

Diana closed the curtains and went to bed. She sat on the head of the bed and held her knees in a daze. She felt very painful... Until the moment she saw Judson hugged Jessica, she just knew how deep she loved Judson. She couldn’t leave Judson…

“Judson, I miss you so much. I really miss you. I want to go back to you. I will try to be your good wife, take care of you, love you, stay with you forever..." Diana murmured.

“Judson, I beg you. Could you please come back to me?”

In the lonely room, Diana was alone thinking about scenes staying with Judson. The year she lived with Judson was so sweet as she thought. When she was sad, he was always by her side and tried everything to make her happy... When she encountered difficulties, he secretly helped her solve everything. He gave all he had just to accompany her…

Judson woke up in the next morning. When he opened his eyes, he found himself sleeping on the sofa. And Jessica slept on his chest all night.


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