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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 219

#Chapter 219 - Stolen Moments


It isn’t easy to extract Sinclair from the nursery, not after he delighted the children with confessions of his soft side and got roped into endless games of tag and hide and seek. When he eventually shifted into his wolf and started giving the pups rides on his back, I thought Isabel was going to have a conniption. Only naptime brought an end to the fun, though I wasn't thrilled when he suggested we go back to our suite rather than snoozing with the pups. Of course... that was before I realized he intended to nap with me - or not nap, as it were.

I waved goodbye to the children as Sinclair carted me out of the nursery in his arms, a delightfully rumbly laugh vibrating in his chest. "Couldn’t we adopt some of them?” I inquire, kissing his neck. "Just a couple dozen?"

Sinclair gazes down at me indulgently, "Baby when this war is over we can adopt as many pups as you want, but I think we should hold off on giving our enemies more targets for the time being."

"Fine." I groan, throwing my head back dramatically. I hear an appreciative purr, and belatedly realize the movement has given the wolf an excellent view down my dress. I giggle, attempting to pull the fabric together to cover myself, but my mate arches a threatening brow.

"Don't you dare." Sinclair warns, "We've got limited time and much to do little wolf."

I can guess he’s referring to the summit's kick off in the morning, but I'm surprised to see him so early in the afternoon. "Does this mean you finished working?" I ask, licking my lips.

"It wasn't easy, but I made it happen. We’ve got to steal whatever time together we can."

He kicks the door to our suite closed, and I hear Philippe and the other guards disperse to give us privacy. "Aren't there things we should talk about before tomorrow?" I inquire, not wanting to deal with business but also feeling unprepared for the politics awaiting us.

"As far as I'm concerned, that bomb upended half the work I did on this trip and we’ll be entering unchartered territory in the morning whether we talk about it or not." Sinclair replies, tossing me onto the bed. "I would much rather spend our evening this way."


"Ah ah," He scolds, eyes blazing as he strips off my clothes, "I've made my decision trouble."

I shudder as a low growl fills my ears, calling my own wolf out to play. " Bossy alpha.” I accuse, wondering when exactly I became so short of breath.

'You have no idea." Sinclair confirms with a lethal grin, "I seem to remember telling you that I’d be keeping a list of all your bad behavior while I was away, but I have to admit I underestimated the extent of the mischief you'd make."

He towers over me, still naked following his wolf's antics with the children. His long, thick cock is already standing at attention, and any hints of the civilized, bubble bath-taking politician are gone. He's pure animal now, and my instincts are driving me to see just how far I can push him.

"I'm sure I don't have any idea what you're talking about." I quip, pouting my fully lips. "I only did what I thought was best for the pack."

Sinclair’s corded muscles tense and flex, and he cocks his head to the side. His entire demeanor changes as the playfulness seeps away, replaced only with dark foreboding. "Is that really the tactic you want to choose, little wolf? Because I was going to focus on the small stuff -leave the serious things for later." He pulls in a deep breath, rolling his neck as he considers my prone form. "But maybe it's better we deal with everything now - that way we can put it behind us and start the summit on a clean slate."

I grimace, understanding him at once. I'd chosen the wrong words for our game and cut too close to home. Now Sinclair wasn't merely going to concoct sensual payments for made-up infractions like wearing clothes in his bed, he was going to address the greatest conflicts in our time apart - things that were part and parcel my fault. It isn't a prospect to which I'm looking forward, but I'd be lying if I said I don't feel desperate to heal the rifts between us.

I nod in agreement, dropping my gaze submissively. "I think you're right."


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