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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 233

#Chapter 233- Power


I clutch my belly in shock, whirling around to locate Sinclair. He's leaning in the doorway of our bedroom, his powerful arms crossed over his chest. Sinclair's glowing green eyes pierce straight through me, a foreboding expression on his handsome face as he waits for my answer.

"Nowhere." I squeak, too surprised to think clearly.

Sinclair rumbles wordlessly and prowls forward, catching my nape in his strong hand. "You told me you were coming back here after dinner, but you were clearly somewhere else, trouble. The question is whether you meant to come back and got sidetracked, or if you lied to me?"

He tilts my head back so I'm forced to look up at him, and though he's wearing his most intimidating expression, my inner wolf only swoons. She flops onto her back and rubs herself against the ground, attempting to entice her mate. I can feel Sinclair's wolf fighting the urge to give in, reasserting his disapproval through our bond. The massive creature towers above my wolf in our minds' eye, his canine features hungry, fierce and utterly irresistible.

Sinclair's free hand travels across my waist and settles over my navel. The baby kicks in excitement, sharing the elated emotions and silliness he'd been feeling through our bond when I was scheming with Roger. For a split second, I think Sinclair might be fighting a smile, "Have you been making mischief, little wolf."

"Of course not." I promise, sliding my arms around his neck and rising onto my tip toes for a kiss, "I wouldn't even know how."

Sinclair chuckles darkly, claiming my lips for an extended interlude that sparks fire in my veins. "Don't make me ask Philippe where you've been, little wolf." He warns when we part, "it will only make things worse."

"I just went to see Roger.” I shrug, batting my lashes and trying to look innocent, "I'm sorry if I worried you."

"Thank you. But you didn't answer my question, Ella." Sinclair responds, running his palm over the curve of my bottom and squeezing, hitching me closer.

I gnaw on my lower lip. "Well I was planning on coming straight here... after I stopped to talk to him."

"Uh-huh." Sinclair rumbles, dropping his head to the curve of my neck and brushing his fangs back and forth over my mating mark. He pauses to nibble the special spot, turning my insides to liquid. "And what business did you have with Roger that was so important that you felt it warranted lying to your mate?"

"It wasn't really a lie." I insist, earning myself a scolding growl. I give him a beseeching look as he raises his head again, already knowing I'm fighting a losing battle, "just an omission." Sinclair arches a devastatingly dubious brow, and I sigh. "Fine, we wanted to make Kieran pay for being such a jerk to Cora. It was our fight - not yours."

For the first time, Sinclair looks genuinely wary, "Ella, what did you do?"

Staring at my feet - or more accurately, staring at my baby bump, which now completely obscures my feet - I tell him the details of our plan, wondering just how angry he's going to be. When I finish explaining the plot, I peek up at him from beneath my lashes, only to find him beaming down at me. He cups my cheek in his hand and, feeling emboldened, I offer him a shy smile. "You are the sweetest, most diabolical little imp I’ve ever met." Sinclair announces, laughing heartily. "He's going to lose his Goddess -damned mind."

Now I can't hold back a grin, "it's good isn't it?"

"It's brilliant, but you're still a very bad girl for going behind my back." Despite his words, his tone is pure affection. "I was worried when you weren't here, and besides your fights are my fights too now. That's how this works."


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