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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 267


I roar as I stumble through the doors of the hospital, my bleeding mate clutched in my arms.

Everyone in the emergency room freezes - doctors, nurses, patients. Everyone. The noise that comes from me is unending, a demand, a plea, a threat. I am halfway between states now – my eyes filled with the wolf’s flame, my hands ending in razor-sharp claws.

She breathes against my chest, barely. Blood drips from her.

The bond – I can barely feel it, between she and I –

And my child –

I take a breath, then, glaring around the room, and open my mouth to shout again. “DOCTOR,” I cry. “Get me a doctor! NOW!”

The room collectively jumps at this, patients clearing away from the desk and heading towards the sides of the room, the nurses leaping to their feet. A doctor strides forward – one I don’t recognize – but he’s here, damn it, he’d better be good –

“Come,” he commands, stopping a few feet from us and then gesturing backwards towards the door to the treatment rooms. He doesn’t need to look any closer to know that she needs immediate care. “This way, fast.”

I stride after him as he shouts out commands on his way. In my arms, Ella is deathly pale, passed out, hardly breathing. I glance down at her, at her beautiful face, her rose-gold hair falling across it.

She’s strong – I know she’s strong –

But she’s given so much. I grit my teeth, growling, livid with the universe for asking this much of her. I will not lose her to this.

A swarm of doctors gather around us as we move down the hall, the doctor who first met us at the entrance taking lead and giving commands left and right. They move quickly, efficiently, bringing forward machines and tools as we approach a bed at the back of the room.

“How many months?” The doctor asks, looking closely at Ella’s face as I lay her down on the bed as gently as I can.

“Three,” I say. I could tell him the exact number of days, but frankly I don’t think it will help at this point.

“Halfway,” he murmurs, and then glances up at me. “Too soon for an early cesarian. The child…it would not survive…”

“This child will survive,” I growl, grabbing the man by his coat and bringing his face close to mine. “And she as well. You will do everything – you will move mountains, if I command it –“

The doctor, to his credit, does not quail.

“Sir!” he barks back at me, his eyes angry as he grabs my offending wrist.

I blink, surprised, and then release him. The doctor takes a step away from me and brushes off his coat, keeping his eyes on mine. “I will move mountains for her, sir,” he bites out, his voice still low. “I will do everything I can to help her survive. We owe you that. But it will not be helped by you losing your temper. Is that clear?”

I feel my lips pull back from my teeth in a snarl as I close the distance between us. “You dare take that tone with me?” I ask, my voice low with warning. “I am your King – you will –“

He steps up to me, then, our chests almost meeting, glaring up into my eyes. “You may be our King, sir, but I am the Alpha in this surgery. And if you want me to save her life, you must back down.”


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