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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 328

#Chapter 328 Reconnaissance 


As happy as this is,Sinclair says, folding his arms over his chest and looking around at the four of us. And it is happy,he says, looking at Cora and Roger to let them know that he’s sincere. They nod their understanding. We do still have a problem on our hands,he says, nodding to Rafe 

in my arms

Yes,I say, looking eagerly up at Cora. Henry found out some more about the cult I’ll tell you 

all about it. It’snot good,I say, with a little grimace

Oh,she says, drawing her brows together. Okay yes, I want to hear everything.” I nod, tugging at her waist so that she’ll follow me into the house. Sinclair and Roger come close behind

Did you find anything else out?Sinclair asks Roger

No,Roger replies, a little apologetic. Just what we sent you from the library. Was it useful?” 

Incredibly,Sinclair confirms, thankful. But yes, we found out more” 


My mate and I take Roger and Cora into the little office and tell them everything, seating Rafe in 

a little swing that we’ve placed there temporarily since we’ve been spending so much time here

working on this issue. They’re both as horrified as we were to discover that we likely have 

someone in our midst who is working for the cult, who either has already betrayed us or will soon

Though both wrack their minds they, like us, can’t come up with a viable candidate for who it is

We need more information,Sinclair growls, thoughtful, as he flips through what paperwork his 

investigators have produced for the case, as if he might find something else there. I nod, agreeing

but I look at Cora and see her fading a bit

You haven’t slept, have you?I ask, concerned

She smiles at me, apologetic, but shakes her head. I’m sorry, Ella,she says. I want to help but


Upstairs,I say, my voice definitive, swatting her on the rear. Immediately, sleep.” 

I’ll take her,Roger says, stepping forward to take Cora by the arm

Noooo,I say, putting a hand on his chest and shoving him back. Though I’m not actually strong 

enough to stop him, Roger complies, laughing and falling back a bit. I said sleep. Not bed.” 

Roger laughs, putting his hands up. I promise,he says, I just want to see my mate comfortably tucked in. All right?” 

All right,I say, narrowing my eyes and then giving Cora a peck on her cheek. We’ll figure it all out when you wake up, okay?I say, giving her a little nudge towards the door

We will,she agrees, giving me a steady look. Really, we will.And then she takes Roger’s hand and walks out the door and up the stairs with him

I move to Sinclair’s side as we watch them disappear form our sight. I’m so happy,I say, leaning against his chest and sighing contentedly. He wraps his arms around my shoulders, dipping his head to give me a kiss on the cheek

Me too,he says, holding me tight against him. They’re idiots for not doing it sooner.” 

I don’t say anything for a moment, considering all the things that held them back in the first 

place. It’s not going to always be easy for them,I sigh. Not like it was for us.” 

Ella,Sinclair says, and I can feel him shake his head against the back of my neck. You almost died like, four times since we’ve been together. How is that easy.” 

Because,I say, turning in his arms and looking sincerely up at him. We always had Rafe. And 

once we figured out that we loved each other, and especially that I was a wolf too, thenI shrug, ” 

at least with us, it was always smooth sailing.” 

I see what you mean,he says, looking calmly down into my eyes. But their love is a big love

Ella,he says, nodding to me. Like ours. They’re going to work it out.” 

I hope so,I sigh, resting my head against his chest and closing my eyes. That’s all I want. For 

both of them.” 

The next five days pass with that seeming like a very real possibility. Cora and Roger stay with 

us, partially because I keep making up reasons why they can’t go, and it fills my heart with joy 

every day to see them growing closer. To see the tiny little touches he places on her back when he 

leans down to say something in her ear, to see the way she turns her face up to him and laughs at 

one of his dark, wry little jokes

But then, on day six, Cora takes me by the shoulders and gives me a little shake, insisting that 

she must go back to the clinic

Whyyyy,I whine, tiling my head back on my neck and groaning. Just stay here with us. We 

need you!” 


You don’t need me,she says, taking her hands back and folding her arms across her chest

You’re just trying to keep me in a little love bubble with Roger so that I don’t change my mind or 


Well,I say, raising my eyebrows at her and giving her a tooinnocent smile. Is it working?” 

She laughs, shaking her head at me. I’m not changing my mind, Ella. I’m in love with him.

squeal a little to hear her say it but she holds a finger up, stopping me. But I have a life. And a boyfriend who I never broke up with. And a job that requires me to actually help people. And

have to go deal with all of that! Okay?” 

Okay,I mumble, looking petulantly down at my shoes. Did you seriously never break up with 

Hank?I ask, glancing up at her

No,she says, raising a guilty hand to her forehead and shading her eyes, embarrassed. I kind of 

ghosted him. But I need to be a big girl and godo it.” 

Okay,” I say, stepping forward and rubbing her on the arm in what I hope is a comforting way

Be nice to him, all right? I like Doctor Hank.” 

I like him too,she says, shaking her head. I feel terrible, Ella. ButI’ve got to go set it right


Roger comes around the corner then from the kitchen, carrying me a little lunch bag that very 


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