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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 342

#Chapter 342 Bunker Life 


Sinclair and I wake up late the next morning and frankly I’m grateful that everyone let us sleep in. We had to get up to feed Rafe, of course, but even with that? It’s the most sleep I’ve gotten in a long time

Morning,I murmur, turning over to Sinclair and slinging a leg up over his hip, feeling justridiculously relaxed for someone who fought off a pack of kidnappers in her bedroom yesterday

Sinclair doesn’t say anything, just growls a hungry little greeting and pulls my naked body closer to his, rolling over me a little so that I can feel the delicious weight of him on top of me as he kisses my neck, my shoulder, and then my mouth. We’re skipping breakfast,he murmurs, sliding his hand leisurely down the length of my body, I have different idea for how we can spend 

the time 


Noooo,I moan in protest, my stomach audibly growling in support. I need fooooood!” 

Sinclair laughs and pulls away from me then. Am I not sustenance enough for you?he asks 

pretending to be offended. Here,” he says, offering his arm, bulging with muscles, take a bite. It 

will keep you going.” 

I bare my teeth and lean forward towards it, making my mate laugh, but then I just press a quick kiss to the arm and push him away, reaching for the baby who is starting to fuss in his cradle at 

the sound of our voices

As delicious as you are,I call over my shoulder to Sinclair as I lean down to scoop Rafe into my arms, the baby and I need pancakes.” 

Then pancakes you shall have,Sinclair murmurs, yawning and crossing to the little metal 

bathroom door in the corner of the room. But I hope that you are aware that these will be bunker 

pancakes,he adds, twisting the nob and pushing his way through, by which I mean plain toast.” 

I laugh, nodding to indicate that that’s fine by me, and then I spend a few sweet minutes alone 

with my son, talking softly to him while I feed him his own breakfast, taking my time looking 

over, admiring his little face and his thick thatch of black hair, mussed from sleep

I sigh a little, thinking that this will surely be a busy, complicated day. But with sweet starts like 

thishow can it end badly


A little later in the morning we gather in the conference room at the end of the bunker’s long 

impassive as I look around at the men who we have brought with us, but honestly I’m proud of them. Many worked through the night to develop our reconnaissance, to make a plan

A little pang of guilt runs through me as I realize that they were working, losing sleep, while I was relaxing andwell, doing a bit more than relaxing with my mate. But… 

Well, I’m the boss. I built this system, I put in the hours in my younger years to get to where I am. I am allowed to indulge, a little, in some of the privileges of being in charge even if my constant instinct is to work, and to push, and to keep going. Ella and Rafe need my attention as well, just as much as my business and political life. And, considering what Roger and Cora went through yesterday, they needed me last night too

You’re doing fine, Dominic,my father murmurs to me as he rolls up to my side, his voice quiet enough that no one is likely to hear

What?I ask, surprised

My dad gives me a little smirk, just for a moment, before placing some paperwork on the table and beginning to sort through it. You think I can’t read the emotions on your face, even when you 

work to keep it clear? I’m your father, boy. We still have a bond, even if it’s changed with time.” 

I smile, then, and clasp a hand on my father’s shoulder, grateful for him. Roger comes over to us and gives us a sharp little nod, which we both return, and then I laugh a little bit as I realize how 

much of our bodily movements we all have in common. My dad laughs a little too

What?Roger asks, a little out of the loop, but I shake my head at him a little to let him know 

he’s not missing anything big and he just shrugs it off, leaning in front of me to look at the plans 

that dad came up with last night

Roger stands up straight, though, when Cora and Ella come through the door, saying warm 

greetings to everyone they encounter, Ella showing off the baby to anyone who wants to come 

greet him and Cora handing out little cups of coffee that they thoughtfully made

Uhoh,Roger says, his eyes wide as he looks at the girls

What?I ask, looking between Roger and our mates, trying to figure out the problem

Dominic,Roger says, his voice tight, do you not see the issue here?he gestures towards them

Frowning, a little disturbed that I don’t, I shake my head

Dom,Roger sighs, scrubbing his hand down his face swiftly in a mix of worry and frustration

I’m going to forgive you for this, since you’ve been a littlehypnotized by Ella since the moment 

she walked into your life ” 

Wha-!I start, but Roger gives me a significant look and I shut my mouth, frowning and crossing 

my arms over my chest but letting him continue

Seriously, Dom,he continues, speaking quickly, Ella’s amazing, and I love her, but you let her get away with things that you wouldn’t let anyone get away with 

She’s usually right!I protest, but he continues speaking, cutting me off


She is and I’m not calling your judgement into doubt but I have had the privilege of getting to know both Ella and Cora without being in love with one of them from the jump ” 

I raise my eyebrow at Roger, but he ignores me

And,Roger continues, I thus am more aware of what they can do when they combine their powers. You have a sweet spot for Ella, you think she’s funny and now Cora’s got me all wrapped 





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