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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 366

#Chapter 366 – Assault


We move quickly through the sewers, getting to our launching point in less time than I had estimated it would take. I glance at my phone, not anticipating that we’d have been able to receive any messages from our home base, but disappointed regardless.

As our men range themselves on either side of the exit to the sewer, which will open directly onto Xander’s property, Roger turns to me.

“Ready for this?” he asks, his face tight.

I simply nod to him, doing my best to ignore my wolf prowling anxiously inside my chest. Then, as one, my brother and I move forward to the front of the line. If there’s any unexpected fire, I want us to take it – not our men.

Our men stand tense behind us in two lines as Roger slowly, silently, pushes open the door. And then, with one final glance at him, I’m through.

I pull myself out of the sewer and find myself in a garden with significant cover, which is good. We sent a drone to scope out the landscape, of course, but we hadn’t quite been able to discern the height of the plants. I crouch down immediately, looking around for anything suspicious, but am greeted only by silence – just the cool sounds of a large suburban garden at night.

I turn towards the Tudor house to my left – Xander’s home, where he’s been living since his brother left the throne. It looks…almost too innocent, too nice, to be housing such a maniacal man – who plots to get unsuspecting women pregnant and steal their babies. I shake my head, hating him anew, and then I turn back to the sewer to gesture my brother and our men forward.

As they filter out of the sewer behind me, I move forward towards the house.

Our father did good work in the past days – we have plans of the house from the city that were updated only ten years ago when Xander, apparently needing more space for his schemes, added a small extension. Those plans allowed us to identify an entrance to the house’s basement through the garden which serves our needs well.

As I slink towards the house, I’m relieved to see that the entrance is precisely where we thought it would be. Nodding to Roger, asking him to wait, I skirt across a garden path and inspect the double doors that will lead to a set of steep stairs that head down into the basement. My eyes flit over the wooden doors, their rusty hinges and chipped paint. When I turn to the handles, I’m surprised to see that they’re held shut with only a rusty old chain.

Frowning a little, I reach out and take the chain in my hand, giving it a hard, sharp yank. It falls to pieces.

I turn back to my brother, knowing that he’s watching my every move. He frowns at the chain in my hand, and I know that his thoughts are echoing my own. Is this all…

Too easy! My wolf howls, pacing inside of me, his tongue hanging out of his mouth slathered in his stress. Can’t be – too easy no-no- – turn around – try again –

I take a deep breath, shaking my head as I study the door. Honestly, it does feel too easy…

But are we going to turn this down? Walk away from the opportunity to infiltrate this man’s house with a full stock of healthy men just because it’s too easy? Isn’t it also very possible that, after twenty-some years of going unnoticed, that Xander has just begun to think of himself as untouchable and dropped his guard?

I sigh, signaling Roger forward. He’s at my side almost instantly.

“What do you think?” I murmur, looking between him and the doors.

“I’m suspicious,” he says with a sigh, but then he just shakes his head. “But Dominic, I don’t know when we’re going to have a better chance to do this. If we can get inside…shouldn’t we take the chance?”


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