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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 399

#Chapter 399 – King and Queen


“I’m glad we did that,” I say later that afternoon as Sinclair pulls our car around to the front entrance of the palace. “I couldn’t stand to say goodbye to that house if it was to a stranger. Too many memories there.” ” I agree,” Sinclair says, parking directly out front in what feels…well, feels too informal for the future King’s first entrance to the palace, his new home. ” Doesn’t this place have like, a garage?”

I murmur, looking into the back seat to check on little Rafe, who is happily chewing on the sleeve of his little baby hoodie and staring at himself in a mirror attached to his car seat. “I… think so…” Sinclair says, and I look up in surprise to see him grimacing at me a little. “I’ve only really been here for state occasions,” he says, shrugging.”

And the birth of our child,” I point out.

“Well for that,” he says, “wealsojust parked out front.”

“True true,” I say, turning away to my door. “I guess we’ll figure it all out. Yes, we will,” he murmurs, getting out of the car and opening the back seat to lift out Rafe’s carrier. While I wait for them to come around to my side, I stare up at the gorgeous palace in front of me. “I can’t believe this is going to be my home,” I murmur. “I can’t believe I’m going to be a King,” he sighs. I look up at him, studying the lines of his handsome face. “Yeah,” I agree. “Me neither.”

Sinclair laughs and shakes his head down at me. “Well, I would hope thatyouwould try to chuff me up a little bit there.”

I laugh and take his arm, squeezing it. “Well, you know I think you cando it,” I say, grinning, “and that I don’t think anyone else could do it any better. I just,” I consider it for a moment, shaking my head. “I don’t know. I’m not going to be able to get used to people calling you King.”

“Will you be able to get used to people calling you Queen?” he asks, brow arched. I laugh up into his face at the ridiculousness of it. “Absolutely not,” I reply. “They’ll all just have to call me Ella, or I’ll walk right past them without realizing that they’re talking to me.” “You don’t do so poorly responding to Luna,” he says, pulling his arm from my grip and wrapping it around my shoulder to pull me close. Yes, but that feels more real,” I say quietly. “I…know what a Luna’s supposed to do. I want to protect my pack, help them in all things.” “I imagine Queen is much the same,” he says softly. “You’ll get used to it. And you’ll be great.” “Do I get a crown?” I ask grinning up at him, but then my face falls slack with shock when he slowly begins to nod.

“Wait, seriously?” I say, my eyes going wide. “I get acrown?”

“It’s technically not yours,” he replies, laughing. “It belongs to the nation to be passed from Queen to Queen. But, for as long as you’re alive and we’re on the throne,” he grins widely at me, seeing the excitement on my face, “you get a crown.” “Well then let’s go!” I shout, bursting forward and heading up the steps. “What the hell are we waiting for!”

To my extreme disappointment, Sinclair does not take me immediately to the vault with the crown jewels and let me wear my tiara while I unpack all of our moving boxes. “Not until the official coronation, my ass,” I murmur angrily as I use a box cutter to cut the tape on probably my fortieth box and start to unload all of Rafe’s baby clothes. A few feet away from me in his little playpen, Rafe lets out a little squeal that I choose to interpret as support. “Thank you, Prince Rafe,” I call to him. “I agree. He’s being cruel.”

“I am not,” Sinclair laughs, coming into the room with a little tray of food for our lunch. “I’m just following the. rules. It’s not really a Kingdom precisely anymore the jewels belong to everyone. It’s not right to wear them until the people have officially given them to us. And then,” he says, putting the tray down on the bed, “onlyon state occasions.”


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