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Accidental Surrogate for Alpha novel Chapter 409

#Chapter 409 Touch Just the Faintest


After a few minutes of this – or maybe an hour, I honestly don’t know how time works here – the baby’s happiness fades away and then into silence. But not in a bad way – more like he just…

“He fell asleep,” Roger murmurs, laughing a little and falling back on the bed, taking me with him since his arms are still wrapped around me.

“It’s too early for the baby to sleep…” I murmur, confused. “That happens around like, the seventh month -”

“All right, Dr. Cora,” Roger mutters, and I can hear him rolling his eyes, even though I can’t see it, which makes me laugh. “Considering that we’re hanging out on a magical dream beach, passing our emotions down a magical bond with our unborn child, I don’t really think that your medical knowledge is coming into play here -”

“Oh shut up,” I murmur, slapping his chest and sighing with contentment. Roger laughs and takes a deep breath of my scent.

“That was amazing,” he whispers. I’ll never forget that as long as I live.”

“Do you think we just felt it because we’re here?” I ask, still likewise thrilled. “Or, will we feel it when we’re awake too?”

“I don’t know,” Roger replies. “But maybe something about being in the dream amplified it. I guess we’ll find out.”

“Yeah,” I say, happy, content. Because as much as I want to feel it all the time, I am also content to wait, to experience all parts of this pregnancy in their own time. “I guess we will.”

And I close my eyes and relax against my mate, little shivers passing through me as he traces his fingers idly over the skin of my back, both of us still marveling in the magic of that incredible first connection with the baby.

But suddenly, something changes. And I open my eyes to see my wolf standing there on the beach, just a short distance away.

“Roger,” I say softly, starting to sit up. He opens his eyes and looks where I’m looking, likewise catching sight of my wolf in the sand, staring at us, her tongue hanging happily from her mouth.

“Oh,” he says, likewise sitting up and holding me close against him. “Wow, Cora…she’s beautiful.”

But I don’t reply as I look at my wolf, at all of the thousand shades of brown that run through her fur, from tawny to chestnut. Because I know that she’s not here to be admired – though she’s enjoying that too.

Come with me, she says – and I know, instinctually, that Roger hears her as well. I have something to show you.

We both eagerly get to our feet as we look at each other, laughing. Because neither of us feel an ounce of fear, even though this is completely bizarre. When we’re standing, my wolf dances in an eager circle and then trots away from us along the beach.

Roger takes my hand and we follow, walking quickly, both dying to see what she’s leading us towards.

Before we get far, another shadow detaches itself from the forest and comes bounding towards us. Roger laughs as his wolf dashes over to us and eagerly presses his head to Roger’s chest, nuzzling against him.

“This is so cool,” Roger murmurs, shooting me a grin before his wolf comes to press his snout into my own hands.

Hello, Roger’s gigantic wolf says as I marvel at his size, at the way he nearly comes up to my shoulder and can completely encircle me when he winds himself around my body, as he does now. You are mine. You should let him bite you!

I laugh, cooing to the wolf “soon, soon,” and running my hands through his warm fur. Roger laughs as well and puts his arm around my shoulder when his wolf dashes off towards mine.

“Told you he was annoying,” Roger murmurs.

“He’s perfect,” I reply, sighing and turning my face up to his for a kiss. But before our lips can meet, my wolf gives another little yip, calling us forward. Confused, but pleased, Roger and I start out again.


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