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Adoration At Night and Forever novel Chapter 2

Although the man was handsome, he appeared cold and detached. The indifferent aura he emitted distanced himself from others.

"Have you taken it all in?"

he asked, rolling his eyes.

What a shallow woman!

Christine was still speechless, enamored by him.

She, indeed, had never encountered anyone else as beautiful as him.

Christine studied every inch of his face, his body...

Pity he was too cold!

If he were more open, he'd be perfect.

"What's your name?" "Ch-Christine," she said, trying to hold back her heavy breathing.

She was still in shock with what was happening.

It was amazing!

"Cut the crap. Take off your clothes!" Darren Xi frowned, interrupting her thoughts.

Christine was taken aback.

Darren Xi's loud voice shook her to her core and she felt her heart rate rise up rapidly.

She had never been nervous before. Amanda and Stella were merely annoyances. However, this man made her palms sweat and her chest tighten.

This man intimidated her.

Darren Xi gave her a cold glare, appraising her.

Christine began to get annoyed.

This was her home. How dare he barge in on her and act like this?

"Who do you think you are? You ran into my room in the middle of the night. What makes you think you have the right to be here?"

Christine yelled.

"Oh? Really?" A strange smile appeared on Darren Xi's lips.

Christine didn't know what the hell was going on in the man's mind. She shivered slightly, thinking of what he might do next.

She remembered the murders she had heard about in the news the past few nights. Suddenly, she felt fear stab her heart.

'Why am I so unlucky?' she thought. She just wanted to be alone that night. Why did the universe hate her so?

Was this karma for going up against Amanda and Stella?

But they deserved that!

Why couldn't she fight back?

Christine was lost in her thoughts. She did not notice Darren Xi sneaking up towards her on the bed.


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