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Adoration At Night and Forever novel Chapter 25

"Why don't you eat more, Darren?" As his wife, Christine knew how to care about her husband.

However, the man was so uninterested that he broke the warm scene.

"There are so many flatteries on the table. Do you think I can still eat them?" Putting down his chopsticks, Darren sat on the chair of the head of the Xi family and squinted at the woman who cared about him.

"Darren, you..." Christine glared at him angrily and then lowered her head to start eating. She swore that she would never pay attention to this man again.

Sitting still in his seat, a smile slowly climbed up the corners of Darren's mouth. If Christine saw his charming smile, she would be convinced by him.

Christine vented all her anger on the delicious food and kept eating. She didn't look like a lady at all.

If it weren't for the fact that Darren had investigated her background, he might have thought that she was a homeless girl!

"Ah! It's delicious!" After finishing the last bite of rice on the plate, Christine drank up the soup in the bowl and sighed with satisfaction.

"Finished?" Darren had been waiting impatiently for a long time. It was crazy for him to wait for a woman at the table for such a long time.

"Hee hee! I'm so full! What about you? Would you like some more?" With a contented look on her face, Christine touched her round belly and giggled at Darren. She had already forgotten her promise before lunch.

Ignoring what Christine had said, Darren looked at the belly touched by her little hand, and his cold eyes darkened a little.

After lunch, he was about to take her upstairs. It must be a trap to make him wait for such a long time.

The old saying was right. "If you don't have anything to beg somebody, but you please somebody, you must have a desire for sex or steal." The CEO of the top-one in the world would definitely not steal! Well, everyone knows!

"Darren, I'm full now. I need to go out for digestion. I'm not going upstairs." If she went upstairs, she might not be able to get down.

"We can go to bed to digest it. I'm willing to help you." Darren whispered in her ear. Hearing that, the little woman blushed and Darren dragged her upstairs.

As soon as the door was closed, Darren couldn't wait to lock her in between his chest and the door.

"Darren, I haven't finished reading yet. I want to read it." Well, it was really a lame excuse.

"Oh? Are you interested in this book? Why didn't I know that you still have such a bad taste?" With an evil smile, he opened his mouth to bite Christine's earlobe and said jokingly.

Christine couldn't understand what Darren was talking about. She didn't do anything wrong. How could it become a bad thing? Why didn't she know that reading had become a bad thing?

When Christine was still in a dilemma because of Darren's banter, she received a more interesting reply. "If you like it, we can also try it according to the book."

"Try what?" Christine felt that she didn't understand him at all. They were not running in the same channel at all!

"You don't understand?" Frowning, Darren felt like he was fooled.


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