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After Being Cheating novel Chapter 296

Jerry had just left the company.

"I'm on my way home. What's up?"

"Come here first and take your wife with you home. Don't let her bother my family!"

Daniel's disgusted words made Sally sad, and Sally pointed at him, and finally said, "Jane, get my brother under your control! Just look at him! What kind of brother is he if he's acting like this?"

"So is my brother. How badly treated we are as sisters!" Janet intentionally hugged Sally, and each of them pretended to cry hard.

Michelle detached herself from Daniel's grasp and threw herself into her mothers arms instead, and sadly said, "Mommy! Auntie! Don't cry... Whoooooooh."

Seeing that Michelle was getting close to tears, Janet hastily raised her head and said, "My baby! Mommy and auntie were just kidding, we weren't really crying. Look!"

She showed Michelle that she didn't have any tears on her face. Seeing her clean face, Michelle restrained her tears that had almost flown.

The three people happily laughed together.

'They are always laughing so easily!' Daniel had nothing else to say to them, and took his daughter upstairs.

Soon after, Jerry arrived, and took his wife home with him. Janet had wanted to leave with Jerry, but Daniel stood at the top of the stairs, and said, "Janet, if you dare to leave, I can assure you that you'll never see our child again."

... Janet sadly waved her hand to Sally, and said, "Bye, Sally!"

Jerry looked up at his sister, and said, "Don't be reluctant! I've heard that Daniel has arranged that Clarissa and Sabina be arrested. Did you know that?"

Janet nodded. She had already heard this when he called, so she already knew about the event.

Since Daniel had given her the power, she wanted to hold the two women incarcerated for several days as punishment, and then let them go.

"According to the latest new, Ethan was also taken away just now." Jerry put one hand into his pocket, and dragged his wife towards the door with the other.

Janet was confused, and asked, "Why?"

Jerry found that Daniel had disappeared from the top of the stairs, and answered, "Ethan has bought official positions and accepted bribes, so he was taken away by the the Prosecutors' Office for further questioning."

Janet was astonished. 'Ah! Did Janet buy his official position?

Then, did Daniel report him for this matter?'

When Janet went to Daniel's bedroom, he had just finished bathing Michelle. She laid in her father's arms and happily listened to him telling her stories.

Janet leaned against the door, and looked at them.

There was a hint of a warm smile on his cold, stern face.

His cold voice was a little bit gentler because of his daughter in his arms.

He told her stories in a low, appealing voice. It was a pity that Daniel hadn't become a broadcaster...

Five minutes had already passed, and Daniel was still calmly telling stories to his daughter, as if he had no idea that Janet was watching him.

When Michelle finally fell asleep, Daniel lightly put down the story book and covered her with her quilt.

He got off of the bed and stared at the woman standing by the door.

Janet saw the familiar mood in his eyes, and she ran outside the door immediately.

But she wasn't as fast as Daniel was!

She was quickly caught by Daniel and pressed against the wall in the hallway, unable to move an inch.

Janet didn't look at the man, and instead tried to clam down. She asked, "What do you want?"

"You've been watching me for quite a long time. Shouldn't I reward you?" he replied. He touched her face. Having been gone for business for so many days, he had missed her very much!


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